Online Counseling - A Good Idea

Written by David Snape

Continued from page 1

This seems like a good idea, it can provide yourepparttar kind of nurturing environment needed to really pour your heart out torepparttar 114909 therapist and get a professional response via email. The therapist doesn't have to know anything about your identity and can still treat you professionally. And this could mean no embarrassing record that could be subpoenaed in a court of law.

A good online counseling plan might include unlimited emails for a certain amount of time. Giving yourepparttar 114910 kind of access to a therapist that you might not get in a once-a-week appointment. Not without paying extra, that is.

Yes, there are a number of benefits to seeking online therapy. Anonymity, access, time and money savings. No one needs to know you are in therapy and they won't ever see you "go" to an appointment. Yet, while you are sitting at your computer, an email may pop up with justrepparttar 114911 timely advice or encouragement you were looking for,repparttar 114912 kind of support that can be hard to come by in today's crazy, mixed up world.

This article is for information purposes only, it is not meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any illness. If you have or think you have a health issue, please contact your primary care physician for proper treatment and diagnoses.

Dave Snape is a health, fitness and wellness enthusiast. He maintains a website on that theme: Dave also practices Falun Dafa:

How to Meditate

Written by Janet K. Ilacqau

Continued from page 1

"Inner development comes step by step. You may think, "Today my inner calmness and mental peace is very small." But if you compare and look five, ten, or fifteen years back, think for a moment. "What was my way of thinking then? How much inner peace did I have then compared to today?" Comparing it with what it was then, you will realize that there is some progress and value. This is how you should compare: not with today's, last week’s or last year’s feeling, but five years ago. Then you can realize what improvement has occurred. Progress comes by maintaining a constant effort in daily practice." His Holinessrepparttar Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, MD “The Art of Happiness” A Handbook for Living Coronet Books, London, 1999. Page 32,34.

As you get intorepparttar 114908 habit of meditating, you might like to sit for longer periods. However, it will largely depend on your other commitments. Finally, keep in mind that this is only one meditation method amongst many others. Explore other methods and find one that suits you personally. One particular method that works for one person may not work for another. Find and use a method that you feel is right for you.

Bio: Janet K. Ilacqua is a freelance writer based in Tracy, California. She specializes in academic writing and ghostwriting of books and manuals for individuals and small businesses. For more information about her services, check her website at

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