Online Business Myths You Must Avoid

Written by Hamad Kadmany

Continued from page 1

And, there’s nothing Guaranteed! YES, it is garneted that if you followrepparttar system, be persistent and put effort, you will succeed. If you don’t, then you won’t!

4. Pyramid Schemes

A pyramid scheme is where an income is generated solely onrepparttar 136181 process of recruiting others intorepparttar 136182 business. Sometimesrepparttar 136183 pyramid is hidden within a product or service of a questionable value that is never related torepparttar 136184 general public, however, you are actually buyingrepparttar 136185 right to recruit others intorepparttar 136186 scheme. This is illegal.

There should be NO cost required to participate in recruiting new people and affiliates should be only paid on product movement and NEVER on recruiting.

5. “Must Buy Products to Maximize Your Income”

Many try to work you out with some math... “If you purchase this, you’ll get into that level, and then you’ll earn that money, then you’ll totally make...”

Allow me to be honest about this. I DO believe inrepparttar 136187 concept of “buying from your own store”. I do enjoy some ofrepparttar 136188 productsrepparttar 136189 business I’m in offers, because they are excellent and I was going to buy them anyway, so why would I buy them from my competitors?! But here’s whererepparttar 136190 BIG however comes in...

It’s OK if buying products would let you advance in your rank, but it must NOT berepparttar 136191 only way to achieve it. You should haverepparttar 136192 opportunity to advance in your rank according to your efforts ONLY. If buying products isrepparttar 136193 ONLY way you can advance in your rank, then it’s a fraud!

Real business opportunities are available inrepparttar 136194 online business minefield, but many bad apples DO exist as well. Make sure to do your homework. No matter how smooth those selling letters and websites are, make sure they are NOT conveying one of those myths. Make surerepparttar 136195 opportunity that you are considering is telling yourepparttar 136196 TRUTH without big void promises; otherwise, they are just wasting your time and your money.

Hamad Kadmany helps real people succeed online with his free newsletter, recognizing that you are a unique individual who deserves the best life has to offer. His business tells you the TRUTH in black and white and guides YOU to succeed online. If you want more from life, more of what you so richly deserve, visit him online at today!

Earn More Money in Your Home Business by Creating a PIG

Written by Glen Jansen

Continued from page 1

Another example of an online P.I.G is an affiliate program. Pretend you sell a digital product like an ebook or audio book. Now imagine you get to work testing all kinds of sales literature until you create a very effective selling system on your website. All you need to do now to really expand your business is drive plenty of traffic through this system.

By creating an affiliate program and attracting hungry affiliates, you stand to make a greater income while working less and less. The affiliates bring inrepparttar customers, your automatic sales website does allrepparttar 136147 work and once again you get to take off to a warm sunny destination.

So no matter what business you are in, think about how you can earn more money by adding a P.I.G. What parts of your business can you automate for complete hands free operation? Could you create an entire home based business where you create nothing but P.I.Gs? How much more money, free time and luxury would that add to your business and lifestyle?

Glen Jansen, helps home based business entrepreneurs find easy ways to make money online. Visit for more free information and money earning articles.

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