Online Advertising for Dummies

Written by Daegan Smith

Continued from page 1

  • Be Creative: In a marketplace teeming with new ads you can easily get clobbered onrepparttar head with run-of-the-mill ad copy. Your most valuable asset in this crowd is your creativity, which will make your ad stand out. Be creative not only inrepparttar 124530 copy, but also inrepparttar 124531 placement ofrepparttar 124532 advertisement. An online contact lens clinic pulls hundreds of people every day to take an eye test with a simple ad. The small 1” X 2” banner says, “ Think You Don’t Need an Eye Test?” inrepparttar 124533 same format as you see onrepparttar 124534 reading sheet in an optometrist’s clinic, with alphabets running vertically in a decreasing order. This is a classic example of a simple but creative idea gettingrepparttar 124535 desired results.

    Add more depth to your advertisement by using rich media like HTML, DHTML, Java and layered ads. Use animated messages doubled with pull down menus for better use of space and for expanding possibilities of response.

  • Chooserepparttar 124536 advertising medium well: They say, “Well Begun is Half Done”. If you are going to spend a sizeable amount of money on creating and placing ads, they should do more than just wiggle and pop. To maximize response, chooserepparttar 124537 advertising medium carefully. You have several choices like banner ads, contextual advertising, ezine advertising etc. Research and read on various formats andrepparttar 124538 factors for each one’s success. Then decide on what format works best for your campaign. Once you have decided onrepparttar 124539 format, it is equally important to chooserepparttar 124540 vendor. If you have decided on banner advertising, research and listrepparttar 124541 websites that would give yourepparttar 124542 maximum exposure torepparttar 124543 right kind of audience. Check outrepparttar 124544 option of using advertising networks andrepparttar 124545 pay-per-click options as well.

    Once your campaign has been set in motion, take care to monitor response and be ready to change or completely redo your copy andrepparttar 124546 advertising vehicles you use. Keep a track ofrepparttar 124547 ROI (Return on Investment) for every advertising purchase that you make. This way you can figure out which forms of advertising are working for you and which ones aren’t.

    All online advertising is aimed at inducing “action”. Every online ad that you see is built to make you act: ‘Register for a free newsletter’, ‘buy now and save dollars’, ‘get a quote on your requirements’…the list goes on. The thing to remember here is that oncerepparttar 124548 prospect has been pushed into an action, there should be real value for him atrepparttar 124549 other end ofrepparttar 124550 pop- up. Unless you can fulfillrepparttar 124551 promise your brand is making, your online ad has been wasted.

    A well-planned and well-executed advertising campaign can fuelrepparttar 124552 growth of your home business tremendously. Use online advertising following some simple guidelines and see how it impacts your sales, visibility and brand building, all atrepparttar 124553 same time.

    Also see:

    Perfect Home Based Business Opportunities - The Net’s Top Growing Source for Home Business Information.Attention:Free Web Site Content

  • A Free articles marketing campaign is an investment that requires patience

    Written by Christopher Kyalo

    Continued from page 1

    Can you buy a certain stock then sell it againrepparttar following week simply because it lost value by a few cents? Can you invest in building a house and then abandon it inrepparttar 124529 middle because it is not coming up as quickly as you would like it to? You would be crazy to do either of these two things and yet some online entrepreneurs will not think twice about dumping some marketing campaign just because it doesn’t workrepparttar 124530 way instant coffee does.

    When I started my first online articles campaign for myself, I would often go for weeks without receiving any enquiry. Other times traffic to my auto responder and blog would slow down to a trickle. Then after a couple of weeks it would rise again to some high figures only forrepparttar 124531 surge to be short lived.

    But I stuck to my program and it never crossed my mind even one day that I should abandon my investment.

    Today I consistently receive very high numbers in traffic.

    So how long should one have to wait for an articles campaign online to take effect? I would say you would need to consistently post 10 new articles every month for about 5 months before you can see high, consistent and regular flow of traffic to your site.

    Whatever you do before you invest in an articles campaign, remember that you will require lots of patience.

    Christopher Kyalo is a writer/marketing expert who makes money online only by posting free articles. Get his free course at and visit his blog He can be reached at strongwallafrica at

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