One Size EMR does not Fit All

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1
imaging- 80%
Freeform sketches- 49%Practice guidelines- 61%
Reminders- 72%Reports- 76%
Tracking- 74%PCWindows/Mac compatible- 9%

Which EMR Price is Right?

The average set up cost of these 88 EMR systems is around $870; however,repparttar average annual maintenance cost is $2,254 per year. Does this sound strange to you too? Many practices are getting knocked around byrepparttar 102894 potholes that their EMR systems create. But they are still driving into them at full speed, and it is costly.

The average number of active EMR users as of 2002 is 2, 225 users per EMR. That means that there is a large market for more effective electronic medical records systems. That also means that there are a lot of users that regularly run into these potholes as well, and they don’t want to help pay forrepparttar 102895 repairs.

EMR,repparttar 102896 Right Prescription for Reducing Liability Costs

Perhapsrepparttar 102897 reason there are so many EMR users is that is safe. Customers want to reduce liability costs, as do medical practices. Pres. Bush touredrepparttar 102898 country after his reelection, from Downington, PA to Canton, OH to Collinsville, IL, talking about liability costs and defensive medicine.

Small practices spend an average of $150,000 per year in liability costs. When medical records are keptrepparttar 102899 same way bedrooms are this makes sense. Most practices are smarter than that and are looking for an EMR that works. The right EMR may berepparttar 102900 best defensive medicine.

Joe Miller is specialist in online advertising. For more information on emr solutions, please visit

The effects of printing press: Society speaking

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

Continued from page 1

It can also be argued that printing changedrepparttar way Europeans thought. Withrepparttar 102893 older illuminated manuscripts,repparttar 102894 emphasis was onrepparttar 102895 images andrepparttar 102896 beauty ofrepparttar 102897 page. Early printed works emphasized principallyrepparttar 102898 text andrepparttar 102899 line of argument. Inrepparttar 102900 sciences,repparttar 102901 introduction ofrepparttar 102902 printing press marked a move fromrepparttar 102903 medieval language of metaphors torepparttar 102904 adoption ofrepparttar 102905 scientific method.

In general, knowledge came closer torepparttar 102906 hands ofrepparttar 102907 people, since printed books could be sold for a fraction ofrepparttar 102908 cost of illuminated manuscripts. There were also more copies of each book available, so that more people could discuss them. Within 50-60 years,repparttar 102909 entire library of "classical" knowledge had been printed onrepparttar 102910 new presses. The spread of works also led torepparttar 102911 creation of copies by other parties thanrepparttar 102912 original author, leading torepparttar 102913 formulation of copyright laws. Furthermore, asrepparttar 102914 books spread intorepparttar 102915 hands ofrepparttar 102916 people, Latin was gradually replaced byrepparttar 102917 national languages. This development was one ofrepparttar 102918 keys torepparttar 102919 creation of modern nations.

For additional information and comments aboutrepparttar 102920 article you may log on to

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