One In A Million - Make Your Site Stand Out

Written by Steven O. Ng

Continued from page 1

The second URL looks much better, doesn't it? Other thanrepparttar fact that it's shorter and easier to read, it has other advantages going for it.

Looking atrepparttar 132357 first URL, a smart shopper will immediately know that you are an affiliate, and instead of visiting your site, he might himself sign up as an affiliate, and buyrepparttar 132358 products via his own affiliate site, earningrepparttar 132359 commission himself. That's one less sale for you.

Also, search engines loverepparttar 132360 second URL. The URL indicates that it might not be an affiliate program, and might have something original to benefit internet surfers. Generally, unique domains will rank higher than affiliate URLs, because ofrepparttar 132361 perceived value ofrepparttar 132362 uniqueness.

In addition, note thatrepparttar 132363 second URL has a domain that contains great keywords that surfers will key into search engines. Domains with keywords in them tend to do better inrepparttar 132364 search engine rankings as well.

A great place to get your own domain is at Namecheap. You can visit them at:

b) Do Something Else

Now that you have your own domain, what do you do with it?

Marketing research has shown again and again that having a website that just sells a product doesn't do as well as websites that provide value-added service. Visitors will immediately know that you're trying to get them to buy something, and they'll immediately leave.

Note: Most internet surfers searchrepparttar 132365 internet looking for information, not to buy stuff!

Having said that, you can changerepparttar 132366 angle of your website by offering information. Create a website to helprepparttar 132367 visitor by providing information that they want, and then sellrepparttar 132368 affiliate program or network marketing product onrepparttar 132369 side.

For example, you can create a website that teaches visitors how to cook Italian dishes; how to prepare Italian salads; how to take care of their utensils.

This will makerepparttar 132370 visitors more at home and will get them to trust you. Once you have their trust, you can ask them to subscribe to your money-earner, a great program that collects a recipe directory, like:

Isn't that easy? The key is to get visitors to trust you by providing themrepparttar 132371 information they want, then follow up with your affiliate program.

Steven is the webmaster of - Your Guide To Internet Business. His website provides various resources on affiliate programs and internet marketing advice. Check them out!

How to Build and Make Your Own Website

Written by Michael Elder

Continued from page 1

So, before rushing off torepparttar nearest software store to buy an expensive web authoring program to make your own web site, sit down with a pencil and piece of paper first. The initial step is to brainstorm search engine keywords related to your business.

To help illustrate this concept, allow me to introduce a fictitious company. Let's assume we have just opened a plastic surgery clinic in St Louis, Missouri called John Doe's Beauty Clinic.

Readrepparttar 132356 rest ofrepparttar 132357 article at:

The author has 10 years experience building and marketing simple websites for his own ecommerce ideas and many other clients. Operates a popular American Business Directory located at

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