One Guru To Rule Them All

Written by Karin Manning

Continued from page 1

Then I sat down and actually wrote downrepparttar handful of ezines that I will read every week because I enjoy them so much, and others that I will read when I get round-to-it when time is not ofrepparttar 117332 essence.

I have two female role models who are ezine publishers and generally I watch what they do, I listen to what they say and I learn from them. My time is now too valuable to focus on other people.

I then decided to dorepparttar 117333 same thing withrepparttar 117334 incredible amount of information I’d accrued written by successful and extremely wealthy Internet marketers and actually analysed those that I personally feelrepparttar 117335 greatest rapport with (even just on paper). They’re interested inrepparttar 117336 same products that I am interested in, they promoterepparttar 117337 same products I do (sometimes in direct competition), they createrepparttar 117338 same multi-streams of income that I want to create, they provide excellent customer service that I aspire to, and are well-respected by their peers.

Two men instantly came to mind and I am affiliates of both of their programs. I will keep in constant contact with them, continually researching what they do, what they are changing, what is working for them, and I will follow their lead. Why? Because if I spend time listening to absolutely every single successful person online I would never have ay time left to devote to my own business, knowledgeable though I would be ;O).

While I will never stop researching what other people are doing online I will target my focus on two men who I have had continual contact with and support from and who I naturally gravitate towards.

Delve into your own business and you may have one guru that meets all your needs in this regard or a few. The next time you start to feel overwhelmed by allrepparttar 117339 incredibly powerful information available online why not be a little ruthless with your brain and your time…and do a brain clean! Kind of like going through your pc and deleting all those files and folders that are no longer relevant and just taking up too much room on your hard drive. Sometimes it’s not just your pc that needs to be reformatted.

Think outsiderepparttar 117340 square and find that one guru who for you rules them all and you and your business will immediately start to benefit fromrepparttar 117341 whole cleansing process.

Copyright 2003. Karin Manning. All Rights Reserved. Karin Manning is the publisher of Net Wealth, a newsletter filled with up to the minute tips and techniques for growing your business online. Subscribe by visiting and filling out the ePackage Newsletter & Bonuses popunder on entry.

How Two Powerful Words Can Guarantee You Success

Written by Al Martinovic

Continued from page 1

When you learned how to ride a bicycle... did you quit?

When you learned how to drive a car.... did you quit?

When you learned how to use a computer... did you quit?

You kept working at it until you knew at leastrepparttar basics of how to do it.

Why can't people dorepparttar 117331 same with their internet business?

Are you starting to understand now? How ridiculous it is to quit?

Once you get this basic concept embedded into your brain, you are half way home.

Winners never quit. Quitters never win.

You have to give any program you are associated with at minimum one year and at maximum 3-5 years to make any sizeable money.

If you jump from program to program, you will never see any money.

Quit-itis... it's a disease that needs to be stamped out onrepparttar 117332 internet.

There is just way too much hype out there and everyone expects to make money over night and I am here to tell you it just won't happen like that.

You will make money... but it will take time and it will take some work. Those that put inrepparttar 117333 time andrepparttar 117334 work necessary will be rewarded. Those that don't will not. That'srepparttar 117335 true secret of internet marketing.

Winners never quit. Quitters never win.

Al Martinovic is the publisher of the Millenium Marketers Newsletter which helps ordinary people like yourself achieve extraordinary things. Subscribe Today and get 2 FR^E bonuses.

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