On The Job Training is Something You Can’t Afford to Skip

Written by Cavyl Stewart

Continued from page 1

You and your employees can even learn while commuting to and from work. Imagine popping in a training course on audiotape or CD-ROM and learning while stuck in traffic. Of course, your employees might want to be paid for this time!

Local cable television stations are another valuable training source. These days, everything from learning about software products to preparing forrepparttar SAT is taught on local cable. The local library is another local source for training materials. Training materials are loaned, not purchased, making this a worthwhile source to investigate. You’ll even find an assortment of e-book titles atrepparttar 103318 library, too.

And for every new software package you purchase to help run your business, find a suitable training guide and require all who will be using it to learn how to properly use all ofrepparttar 103319 software’s features. That includes you, too. You’ll never get your money’s worth out ofrepparttar 103320 software you purchase if you do not learn how to use it.

Much ofrepparttar 103321 software onrepparttar 103322 market includes on-line help, on-line demonstrations, tutorials or some other learning instrument. Software makers also have web sites where users can go to learn more aboutrepparttar 103323 product. As a software package grows in popularity, so too willrepparttar 103324 number of book titles available for that software.

And one method of instruction that has yet to go out of style is instructor-led training. Whether enrolled in a real classroom environment or a virtual classroom, all will benefit by learning directly from an expert.

The reality is, only properly trained employees and business owners can help your business grow. Classes begin now so don’t be late!

Copyright © 2005 Cavyl Stewart. Get more software tips, strategies and recommendations by signing up for my Exclusive 100% free, 100% original content ecourses. Visit: http://www.find-small-business-software.com/free-ecourses.php

Forget The Economy -- Your Thoughts Really Create Your Business Reality.

Written by Debbie Bermont

Continued from page 1

Even ifrepparttar economy was flourishing you would still experience lackluster sales if you constrictrepparttar 103317 energy flow to your business with thoughts of lack regarding any area of your business. This is why it's essential to open uprepparttar 103318 energy flow to your business by developing an internal prosperity consciousness. Whenrepparttar 103319 flow of energy is open you are ready to receiverepparttar 103320 explosive sales you want.

Here are examples of thoughts which illustrate prosperity consciousness:

#1) I have enough money in my life right now and it keeps increasing. #2) There is plenty of business for my company and my competition. #3) I know that I can easily reach my sales goals. #4) I am confident that my sales will increase 50% this year. #5) My business has incredible growth potential. #6) Every time I need help with an area in my businessrepparttar 103321 solution shows up. #7) I surround myself with people who supportrepparttar 103322 growth of my company. #8) My bills are always paid on time. #9) My company's profitability keeps increasing. #10) My referral sources and existing customers are happy to refer more business to my company.

When you readrepparttar 103323 above statements you'll notice that they acknowledgerepparttar 103324 prosperity that is now present inrepparttar 103325 form of sales, customers or opportunities and also forrepparttar 103326 prosperity that is coming inrepparttar 103327 future.

Let's take a look atrepparttar 103328 energy flow to your business from a different perspective. The balance in your bank account andrepparttar 103329 bills you owe are a finite number right now. Even if your expenses increased they would still represent a finite number.

Imagine taking allrepparttar 103330 bills you owe right now and placing them in a box on a table and then sealingrepparttar 103331 box shut. That box is a confined space, but aroundrepparttar 103332 box is an unlimited supply of air. This box represents a very small space in a world full of opportunities. The space aroundrepparttar 103333 box representsrepparttar 103334 unlimited opportunities available to you whererepparttar 103335 energy flows freely.

You choose where your energy will go. When you focus on what you don't have...you will always be faced with constriction and shoving yourself in that little box. There is no space to get out and expand.

Onrepparttar 103336 other hand when you focus on what could be possible represented byrepparttar 103337 air aroundrepparttar 103338 box, your mind starts looking for ways to expand your business, to find solutions, to make connections. That's when miracles happen such as your sales start increasing rapidly, you create a new product or service or an important business partnership comes your way. Prosperity will always flow in your direction if you allow it.

The principles of energy flow expansion and constriction arerepparttar 103339 same for every human being on this planet. It has nothing to do with your social or economic status, or your race or religion, or your education level. As long as you are a thinking human being that has choice you can decide where you want your focus to be. You can focus onrepparttar 103340 limited, finite space of lack and struggle or you can chooserepparttar 103341 infinite space of unlimited opportunities and increasing wealth. The next time you pick uprepparttar 103342 paper and read an article about a declining economy or lackluster sales, remind yourself that if you choose to focus on a world of limitations and lack you too will experiencerepparttar 103343 same results in your company. Or, you can followrepparttar 103344 example of my grandfather and choose to focus on what is possible and you'll open uprepparttar 103345 energy flow for an unlimited amount of business to come your way.

Debbie Bermont is president of Source Communications, a marketing consulting firm. Debbie is a leading expert on helping businesses reduce their marketing costs and accelerating their sales growth. www.outrageousbusinessgrowth.com (619) 291-6951.

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