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As a fan of OTR, you'll no doubt be aware that there are literally thousands of sites on
internet that offer free downloads of almost every show imaginable. Most of these shows have had there copyrights expire, and are now in
public domain, free for you to download and enjoy. For those of you that would like complete collections of MP3 shows, many sites offer CD's and DVD's packed full of OTR MP3 files. The fees that are charged are quite reasonable, considering that
material being packaged is in
public domain.
Another source of OTR shows are on
various P2P (Peer to Peer) file sharing networks. I won't name any of them here, as there are many available. Using your P2P application, a simple search of "OTR" will typically bring you a listing of thousands of files. The greatest thing about using P2P applications for this is that you don't have to worry about
RIIA coming after you for downloading copyrighted material. All these programs are free to copy and share as much as you want.
Dragnet never sounded so good!
John Eady is the owner and webmaster for Please feel free to publish this article as long as you keep the link to my site active.