Obese Government

Written by United Citizens of America

Continued from page 1

Ifrepparttar federal government was truly and completely reorganized, and operated at roughlyrepparttar 125951 same levels of efficiency as private enterprise (scaled up to accommodaterepparttar 125952 size ofrepparttar 125953 federal government), it likely would be some $200 billion a year more efficient.

Coupled withrepparttar 125954 addition of fair contracting practices, and we easily could recoup a half a trillion dollars annually in efficiencies. This effort can easily affordrepparttar 125955 revamping of our 16th Amendment tax policies without jeopardizingrepparttar 125956 integrity of our nation's infrastructure.

It is our greatest hope that someday soon, a nation of American citizens will rise up to stop this injustice and eliminaterepparttar 125957 crime that our modern-day politicians are heaping onrepparttar 125958 ordinary American.

We do not want to deny our government funds to run our nation. Nor do we wish to starverepparttar 125959 beast. But it is time forrepparttar 125960 beast to go on a strict diet.

For additional information, contact: president@UCAnation.org Or visit our Web site at: www.UCAnation.org About the United Citizens of America organization: A 501 ( c ) (4) Not for Profit organization.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Angelo Pesce - President United Citizens of America PO Box 396, Huntley IL 60142 http://www.UCAnation.org

Your America

Written by UCAnation

Continued from page 1
For them, forty-three million people without health insurance may be no more than a politically inconvenient abstraction. When politicians talk aboutrepparttar economy, they are not talking about your economy. Their economy is filled with rich pals who fly around in their own airplanes. In politician’s economy and world, their friends relocate their companies offshore to avoid paying taxes. Taxes are for chumps like you. You are not a friend. You'rerepparttar 125950 help. Whenrepparttar 125951 party our politicians are hosting ends, you'll be left cleaning uprepparttar 125952 house.

For additional information, contact: president@UCAnation.org Or visit our Web site at: www.UCAnation.org About the United Citizens of America organization: A 501 ( c ) (4) Not for Profit organization.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Angelo Pesce - President United Citizens of America PO Box 396, Huntley IL 60142 http://www.UCAnation.org

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