Written by Gil Burgos

Continued from page 1

People are underrepparttar notion thatrepparttar 115451 workout produces growth. This is why they do so much volume. If that wasrepparttar 115452 case, every body inrepparttar 115453 gym would have 20 inch arms. They fail to remember thatrepparttar 115454 workout only STIMULATES growth. Remember, it isrepparttar 115455 BODY that produces growth, but ONLY if it is left undisturbed for a period of time. And also,repparttar 115456 body does not decompensate with no training in 2 weeks. In fact, it is recommended to take a lay off every so often.

When it comes to your training frequency you MUST allow for two things: total recovery and total growth. Time in between workouts is vital if you want to see increases in size and strength. In essence, if you don't rest enough - you won't grow enough.

My first client's testimony is a good case in point. By not training so frequently he was able to improve in his Pec-Dec Flye and in his Chest Press. He did this in both weight and reps! In fact, he is rather eager to see what his Leg workout is going to be this week. I will keep you posted on his progress.

Have a happy New Year everyone and keep HITing!

Gil Burgos, CPT

Gil has been training in the fitness industry since 1995 and brings a diversified background to his clients.

Coming from a background of competitive sports he is able to train many types of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate or advanced level trainee, he can help you attain your goal in the most efficient way possible

A Nutritionist's Insight on Arthritis

Written by Carol Koester

Continued from page 1

Drinking adequate amounts of water is absolutely essential to speeding up this process. Dividerepparttar body's weight by half, and that is how many ounces of water an individual needs. Eight to ten glasses a day is average; bigger people require MORE. And for every cup of caffeine containing beverage that is consumed, one EXTRA glass of water is needed, as caffeine dehydratesrepparttar 115450 system further. It is amazing how many symptoms can disappear just by being properly hydrated - including depression. When we feel depressed, oftenrepparttar 115451 rest ofrepparttar 115452 body has been dehydrated for several days, and nowrepparttar 115453 brain is!

Mild exercise is also a must for arthritics. They may be very limited to what they can do, but any movement is helpful, even gentle stretching. We lose what we do not use! Sitting with feet on a mini-trampoline while someone else jumps on it is a great aid in exercisingrepparttar 115454 lymphatic glands when other normal exercise is limited. I hope this is helpful in your support of people who suffer from arthritis. As you know, rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune disease. Glyconutrients are necessary fuel thatrepparttar 115455 immune system uses to counteract autoimmune diseases, so thatrepparttar 115456 right signals can be sent out between cells to modulaterepparttar 115457 immune system back downward sorepparttar 115458 body will stop attacking itself. It may sound complicated, but put simply, it spells RELIEF - and that's what people are looking for. It is best for overall health when that can be attained through improved nutrition instead of toxic drugs. Carol Koester

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