Written by Alex Schultz

Continued from page 1

Try a new search, make your query more regional "video rentals in London" or "holiday resorts in Florida". How many pages are turned out now? Modify your search terms any way you like until you have cut your competitors' pages to 1% or less of their original number, which is surprisingly easy to do. Make sure your terms are still relevant to your site, you want targeted visitors, not any random surfer who'll leave two page views after they enter. Once you have found a good search term add it to a meta keywords tag atrepparttar top of a new page with content relevant to that keyword term. Placerepparttar 128189 term inrepparttar 128190 text of your page a number of times so that it appears naturally and often. Don't edit your keyword inadvertently by reducing it to a common abbreviation, for example, "airplanes" to "planes". Then submit your page torepparttar 128191 search engine, once it is listed see where it ranks and play withrepparttar 128192 content to push it uprepparttar 128193 ranking for your new keyword term, you have 100 times less opposition so your chances of getting a top ten ranking are enormously better.

Of course more specific phrases are searched for less than general terms so don't stop with one term do 10 or 20 and design a new page within your site with relevant content that contains each term repeatedly. Considerrepparttar 128194 millions of searches performed each day and if your term isn't too obscure you should hope for it to turn up a few times every day on each search engine. Consider if you had 20 terms with top ten search engine rankings and each searched for three times a day in total across all search engines. That would give 22 000 extra highly targeted unique visitors a year and that is a very conservative estimate.

Alex Schultz runs a fun site full of easy to follow free diagrams and instructions for making paper airplanes at http://www.paperairplanes.co.uk/ it has been featured in a number of major ezines for children and teachers and is to be featured in a major UK internet magazine next month. Go on treat yourself to a break and LEARN TO FLY...

Which Search Engines Will Survive?

Written by Dan Thies

Continued from page 1

Who's Too Small To Matter? Northern Light, Wisenut, etc. - there are still a few minor search engines out there, and at least some have sound business fundamentals that will keep them from disappearing. Inrepparttar big picture, though, they simply don't command much traffic.

What Does It Mean? For starters, there will likely be only three significant search engine databases - a year ago there were at least seven. Interestingly, all three use "themes" to categorize and rank websites.

As a result, a solid search engine positioning strategy should focus on providingrepparttar 128188 three things thatrepparttar 128189 three major indexes and DirectHit reward: consistent theme; significant content; and high-quality linking relationships.

A consistent theme means careful keyword selection and use - not trying to make every page stand alone, but instead weaving them together in a logical fashion.

Good content not only reinforcesrepparttar 128190 theme, it also provides a reason for visitors to stay onrepparttar 128191 site longer, which improves DirectHit ratings.

Finally,repparttar 128192 quantity of incoming and outgoing links will matter less over time, whilerepparttar 128193 context and quality of those links will continue to become more important, ensuring thatrepparttar 128194 major directories will have plenty of customers for a long time.

I wish you success...

Dan Thies has been helping his clients (and friends) promote their websites since 1996. His latest book, "Search Engine Fast Start," is available at http://www.cannedbooks.com

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