Continued from page 1
This is an important concept -- so let me break it down and explain it in detail.
Most things we learn are common sense. It's common sense not to touch a hot stove. Why? Somebody told you or you tried it and your body responded by telling
pain receptors in your hand that it didn't like that.
You learned
stove was hot and not fun to touch. Common sense. It didn't require any specialized knowledge.
Then it hit me...
Neither should nutrition. It doesn't require any specialized knowledge to eat correctly. But yet it's not common sense.
The reason most people get it wrong is because they were never taught!
They received a lot of information from T.V. which was promoting diets and fast food and sugar cereals.
Their parents didn't learn either so they passed that onto their children.
There's a pressure to finish everything that is put in front of you (don't be wasteful) ignoring
absence of
hunger feeling.
The lack of sound nutrition in most schools. You learn how to read in school. You learn how to write. You learn how to solve math problems. You learn history and you learn different cultures.
I'll bet you can guess what happened next.
You never learn
definition of a complete meal.
You start by learning that right now...
A complete meal always includes a lean protein and a natural, complex carbohydrate. The best meal of all for muscle-building and fat-burning purposes contains three things:
1. Lean protein (chicken, fish, egg whites, etc) 2. Starchy carb (potato, rice, etc) 3. Fibrous carb (broccoli, green beans, salad, etc)
And that, is
biggest benefit of having a complete meal and understanding just how simple it is to create meals with these three steps.
So watch for your next issue of this mini-course, where I'll reveal
single most important question about how much cardio should you do.
Yours For Continued Success

Marc David is a bodybuilder, writer, and author of the the e-book "The Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding" (BGFB): What Every Beginner Should Know but Probably Doesn't. Please visit his site at: