Nutrasweet and Brain Tumors: Class Action Suit Ready To Launch

Written by David Lear

Continued from page 1

To back up these allegations about Nutrasweet, there's a large body of evidence in Mission Possible's possession that accurately documentsrepparttar history of aspartame from its initial discovery to its politically-engineered approval. That a product with so many known health risks continues to be allowed in over 9000 commonly consumed foods, beverages and medical products, is, well, food for some very disturbing thought.

Overrepparttar 136047 years it has been demonstrated that aspartame is a neurotoxic agent and that it interacts with other drugs and vaccinations in unexpected, harmful ways. For example, in one set of discovered documents, Searle conducted Nutrasweet experiments in six third world countries (1983-1984). During that period, some ofrepparttar 136048 subjects who were given Nutrasweet developed brain tumors and others started to have seizures.

The bottom line is that large numbers of people who were asked to consume Nutrasweet in early Searle studies came down with brain and nervous disorders. The damaging results from these studies were statistically significant and yet, for reasons that are now becoming obvious,repparttar 136049 FDA was not advised.

In 1999, an aspartame study was done by Dr. Peter Nunn at King's College in England. Based onrepparttar 136050 results, Dr. Nunn concluded that: "…it is possible thatrepparttar 136051 aspartame breakdown product may be capable of enhancingrepparttar 136052 rate of malignant progression of preexisting…tumors inrepparttar 136053 brain". These results validated those of famed neuroscientist Dr. John Olney, who had also determined that there was a connection between brain tumors and aspartame.

Currently, about seventy percent of adults and forty percent of children consume aspartame in one form or another. Coincidentally, brain tumors inrepparttar 136054 United States have been steadily onrepparttar 136055 rise sincerepparttar 136056 early 1980s when aspartame was approved.

In a powerful video documentary called "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World", aspartame investigator Cori Brackett pieces together key interviews with doctors, scientists, attorneys, and FDA investigators. Most troubling isrepparttar 136057 body of evidence pointing torepparttar 136058 fact that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used his considerable political influence to causerepparttar 136059 FDA to approve aspartame, knowingly putting hundreds of millions of people at risk.

So here it is in a nutshell: if you consume any product that contains aspartame (AKA: "Nutrasweet") you are in fact consuming a poisonous chemical known for its ill-effects onrepparttar 136060 human body. If you eat or drink products containing Nutrasweet (AKA aspartame) you're just asking for it. Forrepparttar 136061 sake of your health and forrepparttar 136062 sake of those who love you and want to see you around for a long time, please stop. Readrepparttar 136063 label. If it says "Nutrasweet" or "aspartame", reach for something else.

Please consider forwarding this important health information to your email list.

David Lear is an independent nutrition researcher and free-lance writer. His principal area of interest is glyconutritional dietary supplements. For further information, see

Signals That Suggest you Might be Suffering from Anxiety or Panic Disorder

Written by Joanne King

Continued from page 1

Anxiety and Panic Disorder can stem from many of things. An example of some;

•Work stresses •Family stresses •Money worries •School stresses •Drug abuse •Alcohol abuse •Health issues •A traumatic event fromrepparttar past has resurfaced

Over a period of time, you find yourself obsessing over your health. Waiting on edge for every little pain or twitch you feel, and eventually it takes over and runs your life.

These sensations/pains that you are feeling can manifest itself into any shape or form. And some sufferers will seek comfort in drinking alcohol just forrepparttar 136046 sake of a few hours withoutrepparttar 136047 sensations and fears. These drinking binges usually contribute torepparttar 136048 anxiety increasingrepparttar 136049 next day. Keepingrepparttar 136050 vicious cycle alive and prolonging your wellness.

Nowrepparttar 136051 good news is, if you have been diagnosed with Anxiety & Panic Disorder, you’re obviously NOT dying of a deadly disease. Secondly, you can overcome this and regain control of your life. And it doesn’t consist of taking medication.

My doctor told me “Jo, you will never get well again without medication”. I proved my doctor wrong… I did get well, and it was without medication. And so can you!!!

If you think you might be developing an anxiety or Panic Disorder, go see your doctor for a proper diagnosis and start getting informed. The quicker you nip this onrepparttar 136052 buttrepparttar 136053 quicker you can get on with your day to day life. Instead of it being a constant battle.

A special note torepparttar 136054 long term sufferers out there, once you over come this, you will be mentally much stronger then most ofrepparttar 136055 people around you! You won’t take your health or your life for granted and you will live each moment to maximum.

Good Luck © Joanne King -

About the Author - Joanne King is a former sufferer of Anxiety & Panic Attacks. She is the author of two books "How to Overcome Anxiety & Panic Attacks" & "How to Overcome Anxiety When Approaching Women" She has helped other sufferers Worldwide to eliminate their Anxiety & Panic.

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