Numbers Low? Your Sales Team CAN Survive A Recession!

Written by Kathi Graham-Leviss

Continued from page 1

3. Let your imagination run wild! Hot ideas sell. You might partner withrepparttar promoters of an event in your area to create a special offer, announce a new use for an “old” product, introduce an “upgrade” program, provide free seminars or training on a new product/service or repackage/reposition an existing offer.

When you provide solutions that meet client goals without costing them a lot of money, you will often find that sales close more quickly and word-of-mouth advertising increases, too.

4. Provide proof of results/benefits. When wallets get tight, people in general will demand firm proof ofrepparttar 106590 results they’ll get orrepparttar 106591 benefits of their purchase. The “try it and see” attitude largely goes torepparttar 106592 wayside during financially difficult periods.

Consider creating a page of testimonials from satisfied clients. You’ll want to includerepparttar 106593 client’s name, company and contact information in order for it to be verifiable. Also, look for testimonials that are specific about benefits and performance. Knowing others have succeeded while using your product/service will help alleviate some ofrepparttar 106594 concern that occurs duringrepparttar 106595 decision-making process.

The sales environment changes during a recession. You’ll have to think fast and considerrepparttar 106596 impact on your client more carefully. But with some creativity and imagination, you can provide innovative solutions for your clients while increasing sales atrepparttar 106597 same time.

For additional information about training in the areas of communication, sales, goal setting, team performance, job placement and conflict resolution, contact Kathi Graham-Leviss of XB Coaching, Inc. at today. Also ask about specific workshops and assessments that would be of value to you and your team.

Do What You Always Do, and You'll Get What You Always Got

Written by Martin Avis

Continued from page 1

Each of these 'key strategies' is vital to any business if it is to succeed and thrive. But, assuming you have followed each and every one of them faithfully, you still have to get new punters through your door every day. And word of mouth - no matter how powerful it is - is only one way of getting new customers.

The true value inrepparttar story aboutrepparttar 106589 Chiropractor is inrepparttar 106590 powerful concept of doing new things allrepparttar 106591 time.

Most businesses, if they bother to promote themselves at all, follow a very narrow path. They dorepparttar 106592 same things over and over, and wonder why they keep gettingrepparttar 106593 same results.

"If you dorepparttar 106594 same things today as you did yesterday, don't be surprised if tomorrow never comes."

Every business should set aside some time each week to find a new promotional idea. Many of them won't work, but when they do ... boy, listen torepparttar 106595 till going ka- ching!

There is a bookstore in my local town. The owner has a truly awful position, tucked away offrepparttar 106596 main street. Most bookstores rely on bestsellers to drive traffic intorepparttar 106597 store, and passing trade. This guy doesn't get much passing trade. Yet his business is thriving.

How does he do it? He has a deal withrepparttar 106598 local cinema and offers cheap movie tickets if customers buyrepparttar 106599 novel. He takes time to visit local schools and does book readings - and he givesrepparttar 106600 schools a cut ofrepparttar 106601 profits. He gets every customer's name who comes intorepparttar 106602 store (wherever possible) and sends out a monthly newsletter with great special offers. He does dozens of other things too, but most importantly, he multiplies himself.

Knowing he has a small store in a side street,repparttar 106603 one thing he lacks is a highly visible shop window. Most people would be put off by that fact alone and give up - or never open in that position inrepparttar 106604 first place. Not this guy. He looks for ways to joint-venture with as many shops inrepparttar 106605 High Street as he can. He offersrepparttar 106606 other shop keepers free ads inrepparttar 106607 newsletter in exchange for a small window display. He puts flyers inrepparttar 106608 books he sells for other stores in exchange for window space. He creates special displays for other stores with books relevant to what they sell (travel books forrepparttar 106609 travel agent, for example). The result is that this tiny little back-street bookshop has more High Street shop windows driving traffic his way than almost any other business in town. And in doesn't cost him a penny.

This isrepparttar 106610 real secret to getting new customers: thinking outsiderepparttar 106611 box. And it applies to just about any business you can think of.

"Do what you always do, and you'll get what you always got."

Martin Avis is a management and training consultant. To get your unfair advantage (and 6 free gifts) in Internet marketing, business and personal success, subscribe free to his weekly newsletter, BizE-zine. or visit his information-packed website at

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