"Nothing is Secret Anymore!" - The Confessions of a Millionaire Information Broker

Written by Matthew Lesko

Continued from page 1

2) You need to know where to look forrepparttar information. Although there are countless sources of information, if you do nothing else but tap intorepparttar 106813 world's largest source of free information, you can find virtually everything that you need. That source isrepparttar 106814 U.S. Government. [I've spent 25 years of my life as an information broker, and I have yet to find a source of information more comprehensive thanrepparttar 106815 U.S. Government.]

Do you want to get an idea of just how vastrepparttar 106816 government's information reserve is?

If you took allrepparttar 106817 major commercial publishers inrepparttar 106818 United States, they collectively produce 50,000 new titles in allrepparttar 106819 libraries and bookstores aroundrepparttar 106820 country in a single year. In contrast, one single publisher inrepparttar 106821 government (the National Technical Information Service) publishes over 100,000 titles a year. Multiply that byrepparttar 106822 number of government agencies that produce information, andrepparttar 106823 amount of information becomes absolutely staggering!

The range of subjects on which you can find information is also mind-boggling: The government not only counts people,repparttar 106824 number of jelly beans manufactured inrepparttar 106825 country, toilets installed, and how many potatoes grown; but also gives investment trends and opportunities likely to show up inrepparttar 106826 Wall Street Journal in weeks; it also answers any legal question better thanrepparttar 106827 highest paid lawyer. There are 700,000 government experts in any field you can imagine, who will give you free information simply because you asked.

How to Userepparttar 106828 Information You Gather:

1) Find customers who need, and are willing to pay for, specialized information. Position yourself as someone who knows how to find information on practically everything, but do narrow downrepparttar 106829 types of information you can get for your customers' specific needs. That way, you zero in withrepparttar 106830 precision of a sharpshooter, instead of just firing a shotgun that goes in all directions.

As an information broker, always remember what Willy Sutton said when asked why he robbed banks. He said, "Because that's whererepparttar 106831 money is." You need to live byrepparttar 106832 same slogan if you want to stay in business. Chooserepparttar 106833 path of least resistance. Choose a customer base that consists of rich people or big companies that have money to spend on finding out how they can get richer -- and are willing and able to spend it.

2) Gather specialized information that would be of great interest to a specific business sector (example: Internet marketers). Position yourself as an expert on a particular subject, then write in-depth special reports that featurerepparttar 106834 specialized information you found, package them in an e-book, and make them available to Internet marketers for a fee. As an alternative, you may also create a newsletter that regularly updatesrepparttar 106835 specialized information - and make money onrepparttar 106836 paid subscriptions.

More and more businesses are realizingrepparttar 106837 value of having good information for good decision-making. Whether big or small, a business can't succeed today unless it keeps up onrepparttar 106838 latest information.

What kind of information do businesses need? They need information on their markets, their competition, technology, money sources and regulations, for starters. Develop a sensitivity torepparttar 106839 needs of your prospects by asking them directly what they need. From that, you can determinerepparttar 106840 kind of information that would best satisfy their needs.

Here's a useful tip: You'd do well to develop a 'hook." A "hook" is a marketing term that makes it easier for people to purchase your services. It's takingrepparttar 106841 situation I mentioned earlier about "knowing how to find information about practically anything" and refining it down to a specialty. If you specialize is some interesting aspect ofrepparttar 106842 information brokerage industry, it's easier to attract your prospects' attention.

Define your niche by identifyingrepparttar 106843 customer group that you specialize in helping: small businesses, or non-profit organizations. Or, you can define it byrepparttar 106844 area of information you want to deal with, such as health information, company information, or international information. Another way you can describe your business is byrepparttar 106845 medium ofrepparttar 106846 information you want to provide, such as: only database searches, only document retrieval, or only interviewing industry experts.

I was fortunate enough to have started in Washington D.C., where I developedrepparttar 106847 hook of government information. It gave me an instant edge over my competitors, even though I had no more experience gathering information then they did. To make a long story short,repparttar 106848 government information I've amassed overrepparttar 106849 years have earned me a coveted position of being a New York Times syndicated columnist, and I've even authored two New York Times best-sellers featuring information that I've obtained for free. I have also been privileged to be regularly featured asrepparttar 106850 nation's top expert on government information on TV programs such as Larry King, Oprah, David Letterman, Jay Leno,repparttar 106851 Today Show and Good Morning America.

The key to becoming a successful information broker is berepparttar 106852 first to findrepparttar 106853 information, and deliver it on a timely basis to those who want it. Then sit back and watchrepparttar 106854 money appear out of thin air!

Matthew Lesko is a New York times syndicated columnist, and author of 2 New York Times best-sellers. His latest book, "Free Money for Entrepreneurs on the Internet" identifies hundreds of little-known sources of free government money for "net-repreneurs" and reveals the secret formula for easily obtaining the money for your business. http://www.roibot.com/r_fsfe.cgi?R16916_fs2text

Here's How To Get The Most From People You Work With!

Written by Lisa Lake

Continued from page 1

How about when you've been good at something for so long you're about as attractive asrepparttar stained office coffee pot? My husband, an award-winning investigative reporter, works especially hard onrepparttar 106812 all-important stories that run duringrepparttar 106813 TV ratings periods, or "sweeps". "The general manager told me my story was great," he told me a few days ago. "But my witch of a news manager didn't, of course."

A little harsh? Yes. But it is so easy to find SOMETHING good to say to a hardworking employee whose individual talents are like no one else's inrepparttar 106814 world. Search your heart.

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