Not All Free Advertising Is Created Equal

Written by Kori Puckett

Continued from page 1

There are some free advertising techniques that work. But you'll mostly hear about those from people who've been there and done that, with safe lists and such, and free advertising that actually works. Those techniques won't have headlines that scream "Send your ad to over a million in 30 seconds!" or "Type it once, click send, and sit back whilerepparttar cash rolls in!" at you.

No, effective free advertising will take you some time, persistence, and dedication. Writing articles or looking for reciprocal link partners or posting in forums, etc. Those arerepparttar 100880 kinds of techniques that have produced results for people. It's not a set it and forget it process, so choose how you advertise wisely.

Kori Puckett is the web mistress of Webpay Success and the author of the free special report, Setting the Record Straight On Free Advertising, which highlights 7 dos and 7 don'ts of free promotion online. Visit http://www.webpay-

How To Screen Your Visitors When Using Pay Per Click Advertising

Written by Rich Hamilton, Jr

Continued from page 1

Applying The Description

As far asrepparttar description goes, you have a little more to work with, unless you are using Google's Adwords. Google's Adwords gives you two lines and each line only allows up to 35 characters. You will need to be as specific and descriptive as you can. The description is very crucial, and it will determine whether or not your visitor will initially click through.

Let me give you another example, now which description is precise in wording and is descriptive enough to screen your visitor, "You can join our Two Tier Associate Program at no cost or obligation", or "Snowball in cash by promoting info-marketing products. Join for Free!" I hope you pickedrepparttar 100879 second description!

The first description, "You can join our Two Tier Associate Program at no cost or obligation" is vague and wide open. This description does not describe what kind of product or service they would be promoting or kind of associate program I am offering is, pay per lead, pay per click, pay per sale, or two tier. You don't want to use a description that is too vague, that is how you get a lot of unnecessary click throughs.

Onrepparttar 100880 other hand,repparttar 100881 second description, "Snowball in cash by promoting marketing info-products. Join for Free!" is very clear and concise. Even thoughrepparttar 100882 description did not say what kind of associate program it was, inrepparttar 100883 headline it was clear. It said, "Earn $47 - $270 Per Sale." Moreover, I was able to tell my visitor that they'd be promoting information marketing products and was free to participate. I was also able to hit them with a couple psychological triggers, "Snowball" and "Cash".

To screen your visitors more effectively, you need to choose keywords that are relevant to your product or service and that target your market. If you select keywords or phrases that are too general, you will still have a lot of unnecessary click throughs. You can only screen so much, so don't select inappropriate keywords or phrases when starting your pay per click advertisement campaign. Take your time and brainstorm forrepparttar 100884 appropriate keywords and phrases that best desribes your product or service.

Rich Hamilton, Jr is the CEO/President of and the Author of Inside Internet Marketing. His book will show you how to laser in on your targeted market with unconventional marketing strategies to promote your web site without ever having to pay a cent in advertising.

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