No Regrets

Written by Laurie Hayes

Continued from page 1

He reminded me that I took this on as a life-long dream and not to forgetrepparttar fun and excitement ofrepparttar 128533 experience.

He brought me back to reality by putting everything into perspective. Once grounded, I releasedrepparttar 128534 significance I had created aroundrepparttar 128535 challenge and focused onrepparttar 128536 fun again.

The steps came easier and I masteredrepparttar 128537 choreography.

Thanks torepparttar 128538 encouragement of my friends and husband, I realized my dream and I'm glad I followed through with it.

I now have a lovely video I can look back on inrepparttar 128539 years ahead when I want to re-live my four-minute dancing career. :-)

I know that if I did not gorepparttar 128540 whole nine yards and takerepparttar 128541 action required to createrepparttar 128542 experience, I would have short-changed myself and would regret it to this day.

Not only am I regret free, but I have since taken on and accomplished other items on my "100 things to do in this lifetime" list and it feels great!

Is there something you have always wanted to create, achieve or experience?

Remember that when our time has come, it is usually not what we did that we regret, but what we didn't do.

Do you want to learn to paint, turn your passion into a business, write a book, learn a new language, or reduce your golf handicap?

There are so many things you can do in this lifetime, and we all haverepparttar 128543 same 24 hours in every day. It's up to you how you choose to use them and it's also up to you to believe in yourself.

Everyone else can believe in you and push you forward, but if you don't believe in yourself, it's not worth a hill of beans!

Remember …

You are never given a wish without also being givenrepparttar 128544 power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however. – Richard Bach

It is never too late to be what you might have been. – George Eliot

Laurie Hayes is a Life Strategy Coach and founder of Where the Heart Is Life Coaching. She is the author of a bi-weekly newsletter, "The Heart of Living" and an e-book designed to promote excitement and inspire action in others to pursue the best life has to offer. To secure a copy of her free e-book, visit

20 Predictions for the Future of EQ

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

12.The legal system will incorporate this knowledge. Court-mandated programs for repeat offenders will broaden from "anger management" and "Twelve step" programs to include, or be replaced by, EQ programs. 13.The statement that "anger kills" will be taken seriously, particularlyrepparttar effect of anger on men. Studies regarding emotional management, heart attacks and men, such asrepparttar 128532 one at Duke University Medical Center and be incorporated into wellness programs. 14.The average EQ profile for men and women isrepparttar 128533 same, but they differ in how they do withrepparttar 128534 different competencies. With increased EQ abilities and better communication betweenrepparttar 128535 sexes, along with recognition ofrepparttar 128536 vast health benefits of a viable marriage that nurtures both parties (andrepparttar 128537 children),repparttar 128538 divorce rate will finally stabilize and start to diminish.

15.The use of prescription medications for emotional illness will start to decline as people learn how to manage their emotions better, experience less stress because others do as well, and atmospheres at home and at work are achieved that are conducive to wellness.

16.Corporations will have active anti-mobbing programs and schools will have anti-bullying programs. 17.The senior worker will be highly sought after because EQ will be valued, and EQ generally increases with age. Resilient seniors with good EQ skills are committed to lifelong learning. Their continued ability to 'build' their brains combined with their EQ competencies makes them relatively stress-tolerant, and excellent leaders, managers and team-players. With increased wellness, many will chose not to retire. Work will continue to be team-oriented, and at least one "senior" will be considered obligatory on any team. 18.Business recruiters will replacerepparttar 128539 term “soft skills” with “EQ skills” and demand them in candidates. 19.EQ courses will be a mandatory part ofrepparttar 128540 core curriculm for medical school, law school, and business school. EQ seminars will be offered for CEUs for doctors, lawyers, teachers, psychologists, and other professionals.

20.We will welcome a Diversity of Psychological Type. Introversion will be recognized as a legitimate personality style and living and work conditions will be adjusted to accommodate both introverts and extraverts.

Interest in EQ is international. In fact, in a recent group of EQ coaches I trained (through Internet and teleclasses), we had participants from Bermuda, New Zealand, and China as well as different parts ofrepparttar 128541 US. I routinely receive inquiries from all overrepparttar 128542 world. It’s not uncommon to hear clients and coaches say, “This isrepparttar 128543 missing piece.’” It may well berepparttar 128544 glue that holds togetherrepparttar 128545 pieces of our world inrepparttar 128546 coming globalization and multi-enculturation.

French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said many years ago: “The day will come when, after harnessingrepparttar 128547 ether,repparttar 128548 winds,repparttar 128549 tides, and gravitation, we will harness for Godrepparttar 128550 energies of love. And on that day, forrepparttar 128551 second time inrepparttar 128552 history ofrepparttar 128553 world, man will have discovered fire.” To rework it a little, it could be that we will be able to harness, forrepparttar 128554 betterment of allrepparttar 128555 people inrepparttar 128556 world,repparttar 128557 positive energies of well-managed emotions and better health.

Susan offers coaching, Internet courses and ebooks around emotional intelligence for your personal and professional development. Visit her on the web at and for information on coaching and EQ coach training program, or FREE ezine.

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