No Need For BSL- Breed Specific Legislation

Written by Racheal Stacknick

Continued from page 1

Yes, there are some down right bad dogs out there, they have a screw loose inrepparttar head. These dogs should be immediately put down, and never ever bred. But again this is with any and every breed, just like humans there always seems to be a couple inrepparttar 125637 crowd that are a little weirded out. We have phsychiatrist's, behaviourist's etc etc that try to help these dogs, if it is to no avail thenrepparttar 125638 dog will need to be put down, in this way you are saving yourself and your family and also puttingrepparttar 125639 dog out of it's misery. (people are sent to a hospital or a halfway house to receive help).

Remember, dogs are pack animals. They love to be near their masters, no matter what. If you treat them well they will obey and this is one ofrepparttar 125640 way's that they show their love and respect for you....if you treat them badly...well who knows where you will end up, but let me tell will not be a very nice situation.

I hope I have changed some people's views onrepparttar 125641 subject. The fight against BSL is a passion for me, I believe I am a responsible owner but I am still learning everyday and so is my dog....we have a strong bond that will never be broken because of one of us.....and I dont wantrepparttar 125642 government to break that bond between us either.

For more great articles and tons of other cool dog info, visit

Puppy Vaccines Assure Wagging Tails and Wet Noses

Written by Charles Burke

Continued from page 1
If you have questions aboutrepparttar puppy vaccines, be sure to ask your vet for more information. Your vet will know which vaccines your puppy should receive, no matter when or where you purchased or adopted your pet. When you adopt or purchase a puppy, remember to ask if he has received any ofrepparttar 125636 puppy vaccines. Some breeders and pet shelters are very responsible and make sure thatrepparttar 125637 first puppy vaccines have already been given. It's also important to keep in mind that giving puppy vaccines is not successful 100% ofrepparttar 125638 time. Some puppies have weaker immune systems. This means that a puppy can come down sick with a disease even if he has received allrepparttar 125639 proper puppy vaccines at allrepparttar 125640 right times. If your puppy seems to be ill, even if he has received all his vaccines, don’t hesitate to contact your vet.

It is very important forrepparttar 125641 health of your puppy that, in addition to receiving all his puppy vaccines, you also need to keep a careful eye on how your puppy is feeling and acting.

This will help you keep your pet alive, healthy and happy for many years to come. Learn great ways to use puppy toys for training and socializing your new pup. Make sure you're on the right track wnen training your dog. Also, go and get the free eBook of puppy coloring pages for your kids.

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