No Fish Stories: Write Your Testimony From the Heart

Written by Barbara Carr Phillips

Continued from page 1

I have winced more than once after reading one of my published stories. I feelrepparttar force ofrepparttar 126646 loss of privacy. I worry that I might have caused someone embarrassment. I wonder if I'll be ostracized by my family and friends. I imagine them talking about me. "Can you believe she wrote about that!"

So why write it?

I do it because to many people who don't know me, I look just like Bob. When I show up for church, I float intorepparttar 126647 sanctuary like I don’t have a care inrepparttar 126648 world. But I don't have it together like Bob. And I want to tellrepparttar 126649 truth. Readers who need Christ in their life, who are afraid to step into a church because their lives aren't as "together" as Bob's . . . they need to hearrepparttar 126650 truth.

We learn from each other's testimony. That's how I connect to you and you connect to me. Once a connection is made, we feel less alone in our struggles and, together, we can build our hope in Christ. When we write from our hearts, we share our humanity. As writers, God commissions us to use our talent to makerepparttar 126651 big catch in Luke 5:1-11.

Let's go back in history torepparttar 126652 "big catch" moment. Up torepparttar 126653 point ofrepparttar 126654 catch, Jesus was doing all of his work alone. More and more people were becoming interested in his message and he needed more messengers. Did he go torepparttar 126655 synagogue and look for a great priest? No. He looked around for every day people like you and me. Jesus is able to make kingdom workers out of imperfect people.

I'm often struggling with challenges that no one would ever imagine because I float so well. My prayer is that writing about them will berepparttar 126656 bit of encouragement someone needs. Fulfilling my commission is not necessarily pulling in every reader. If my story isrepparttar 126657 difference between heaven and hell for one person, it's worth it.

Although you may never know whose life you touch by telling your story, I want to encourage you to write it. Writing fromrepparttar 126658 heart is more than self-expression; it's an act of obedience. Trust God when he directs you to let down your net. We are not living in a perfect world where we can afford to waste time floating. Come along with me, friend. Let's fish!

Barbara Carr Phillips, journal instructor, believes dreams come true when you learn to journal your way to success. Visit to order your one-on-one journaling session or to sign up for her free e-zine.

Zombies of the Christian Reich

Written by Larsen Rogers

Continued from page 1

The purpose ofrepparttar film is to explain whatrepparttar 126645 Christian Reich is attempting to do to our nation. They are taking over.

Humanity has survived intorepparttar 126646 twenty-first century. Our greatest triumphs have been liberty, science and technology. We have moved beyondrepparttar 126647 need for an inaccurate and outdated belief system.

The Christian Reich destroys our human progress. Our morality, spirituality and vision forrepparttar 126648 future declines asrepparttar 126649 Christianized media attempts to coerce us into believing in their belief system.

The shock ofrepparttar 126650 film will be to illustraterepparttar 126651 message that Christianity is nothing more than a man made religion. There is no special magic or god ordained beliefs. The Christian Reich is using Government and Law to force their beliefs onrepparttar 126652 citizens inrepparttar 126653 USA. They use mainstream media to degrade and insult those they oppose. We should dorepparttar 126654 same by making movies and shows that displayrepparttar 126655 Christian Reich for what they are: A Phantom Menace.

Larsen Rogers is a social activists and a supporting member of American Free Thinkers Association in New York City, New York.

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