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your NORMAL house, driving your NORMAL car.
But, if you give into word NO, and resume that NORMAL
life, I promise you that this will happen.
You will wake up in middle of some night, and lay there
thinking about what could have been. You will wonder where
you would be right now if you had continued pursuing your
goals and dreams. You will think about that wish list of things
you were going to have or do once you "made it."
You will think about people you met that DID encourage
you. The ones that told you to never quit and to keep
following your dreams. You will wonder where they are and
what they are doing now, how big their house is and what
type of vacation they are planning.
You will lay awake for a long time.
Start right now to change meaning that you associate with
the word NO. Learn not to take it personally. It’s
not about you.
Look at yourself in mirror and say word "NO" to
yourself as many times as you need to until you start to feel
a little humored by it. Did you say it one time? Ten times?
One hundred times? Five hundred times?
Are you still standing?
Ask yourself, "What’s worst that can happen if someone
tells me NO?"
Now ask yourself, "What’s best that can happen if
someone tells me YES?"
Focus on that scenario, and forget about "NO’s."
Go out in search of those "YESes" everyday and before
you know it, you’ll be waving good bye to that NORMAL
job, that NORMAL house, that NORMAL car.
You’ll have to decide for yourself about those NORMAL friends!
Jackie Ulmer, a veteran Home Based Business Owner, has coached and trained thousands of representatives both inside and outside of her sales organization. One of her primary goals is to help others succeed. She can be reached through her web site at Subscribe to her FREE newsletter by email to