Night Fishing Preparation

Written by Frank Faldo

Continued from page 1

Bow and stern lights are required and essential equipment on your boat and they must be lit when visibility is reduced. Striking unseen objects at night isrepparttar most often reported nighttime accident and unlit boats lead as those unseen objects. The temptation to venture forth without proper lighting is not only illegal, but also extremely foolish.

A proper and fully functional warning device (horn) becomes a vital piece of equipment inrepparttar 133042 darkness. It can be used to warn approaching craft as to your presence and also can be used to draw attention inrepparttar 133043 event of problems arising. Although not required unless off shore, visual distress signals (flares) should be on board.

An approved type fire extinguisher that is currently dated should be onboard and in a convenient and ready location. During a fire is no time to find out thatrepparttar 133044 extinguisher will not function because it is out of date.

A paddle is required (for smallish boats), not optional equipment, and again should be in a convenient and accessible location.

An anchoring device with adequate line in both size and length for your boat. Deployment ofrepparttar 133045 anchor should occur atrepparttar 133046 first sign of trouble to keep your boat in its present safe location. Too often then anchor isrepparttar 133047 last thing thought of and boats end up drifting into dangerous situations.

Some sort of bailing device should be on board. Pumps are useless whenrepparttar 133048 battery goes dead.

A radio with weather band capability is not only recommended for day operation but is an essential piece of equipment at night. Those clouds that look harmless that you see floating over can be hiding a serious storm. The whole world could know about it but if you have no means of hearingrepparttar 133049 warnings you can be caught by nature’s worst.

Navigation tools, which are helpful inrepparttar 133050 daylight, become absolutely essential for safety at night. Obviously your best choice for nighttime operation would be a GPS. However, a compass would be a considerable assistant inrepparttar 133051 dark. Not only is everything different out there at night, but also things such as fog can move in with no apparent warning and without a means of determining direction you are dead inrepparttar 133052 water.

Personal floatation devices (properly fitted) for each person on board are atrepparttar 133053 top ofrepparttar 133054 list and should be worn by everyone when fishing at night. Finding someone that has fallen overboard inrepparttar 133055 daytime is generally easy, but inrepparttar 133056 dark can be quite difficult. A throw able flotation device is also required equipment and should be in a convenient location.

Make sure that your boat batteries have a full charge before leaving home. In most states your boat lights have to remain on throughoutrepparttar 133057 night. Running a black light, electric trolling motor, fish finders, and other gadgets can take a toll onrepparttar 133058 battery throughrepparttar 133059 course of a night trip. It may be wise to carry an extra battery aboard just in case.

Insect repellent is a must. You should never leaverepparttar 133060 boat ramp without a good bottle for those trips whenrepparttar 133061 bugs are biting more thanrepparttar 133062 bass.

Make sure you are anchored securely and not drifting. This is critical if you are fishing close to headlands or structure where there is turbulent water. When you are settled, get a radio check and try all lights on board before it gets dark, so if there is a problem, it can be fixed before nightfall.

First aid kit, basic tools, manuals etc. are all recommended.

Check The Weather

As obvious as this one is, too many people forget to do a simple check ofrepparttar 133063 forecast. Try to pick a night whererepparttar 133064 weather forecast is good. It is tough enough to move around inrepparttar 133065 dark as it is. Bad weather makes it even harder. This can really “make or break” your fishing trip.

Copyright 2005 Fishing

Long-Time Fisherman and friend of EveningSecretFishing (

Feel free to use this article on your website or anywhere else - but all links and bio information must remain in tact.

Bluegills, Trout, Walleyes, and Catfish

Written by Frank Faldo

Continued from page 1

They are easily spooked so make longer casts if you are on foot, stay a bit back fromrepparttar shore. If you are in a boat, be careful and quiet.

After you get a strike, don’t act too quickly. Wait a second before liftingrepparttar 133041 rod – you will hook more this way.

Walleyes, Use Waders At Night

It is fairly well known that Walleyes favor low-light conditions. They can be found in water only 3-4 feet deep looking for perch. Using a pair of waders you can go for them.

Some recommendations are to use a light spinning rod equipped with 8-12 pound test line, and some minnow imitations.

You can find them at points where deep water is near. Scout for baitfish feeding on plankton – sooner or laterrepparttar 133042 Walleyes will show up.

Trout, Midges

If your luck is not good with early season trout, try a few patterns of midges. Mosquito larva or pupa, in sizes 12-20 is good. If it is early inrepparttar 133043 season, fish it deep.

Catfish, Bait

Follow these steps to make a bait catfish just can’t resist:

1 pound of chicken livers (including blood) 1 cup of yellow cornmeal While mixing with hands (squeeze hard), add more cornmeal until a sticky paste forms Add cotton balls, pulling apart each one and add clumps to mixture (use 12, they keep everything together inrepparttar 133044 water) Add more cornmeal until you can make individual balls without them sticking to your hand Freeze until ready

To bait up, pinch some dough and set it on your hook – catfish will go crazy for this mixture!

Copyright 2005 Fishing

Long-Time Fisherman and friend of EveningSecretFishing (

Feel free to use this article on your website or anywhere else - but all links and bio information must remain in tact.

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