Niche Marketing : The Power Of Articles

Written by André Anthony

Continued from page 1

* Set up your own Ezine and use them for content to establish your bona fides with your subscribers and customers.

* Allow your visitors to use them, with your "resource box" attached, in their free ebooks which they can then distribute to their visitors, subscribers and customers.

* Submit them to "content hungry" web sites and newsletter publishers, with your "resource box" attached, to generate more visitors to your web site from their lists.

* Submit them to Article Directories, which rank highly onrepparttar search engines to provide inbound links to your niche web site.

* Monetise them on your web site with keyword-related, context ads. like Google Adsense, Affiliate Power Ads. or TrafficShowcase.

* Contact offline print publications and offer them your articles - some of them pay for this sort of copy so you could make some extra income and establish yourself in a new niche as a freelance writer.

I think you'll agree that there aren't many forms of promotion with this level of versatility. Andrepparttar 142161 great thing aboutrepparttar 142162 strategy is - it's free! All it takes is time.

Withrepparttar 142163 cost of paid advertising spiralling ever upwards, can you ignorerepparttar 142164 power and versatility of using articles as a major part of your niche marketing strategy?

Copyright © 2005, André Anthony Niche Market Know-How

André Anthony owns and operates Niche Market Know-How a resource for beginning Niche Marketers. Visit today to find strategies, tips, tools, products and resources for effective niche marketing. Get his Niche Market Know-how Mini Course here:

Health Effects of Internet Marketing

Written by Brian Adamson

Continued from page 1

The fact that many would-be internet marketers take up station atrepparttar end of a full working day is also cause for concern. For many,repparttar 142112 working day is already far longer and more stressful than ever before, and returning home to even more work can be infinitely more stressful, especially when partners are involved (or rather, NOT involved) and may not understand bothrepparttar 142113 motivation andrepparttar 142114 time required to generate returns online.

The learning curve can be very steep for internet ventures. Not only is thererepparttar 142115 requirement to be creative in generating something new and unique, butrepparttar 142116 technicalities involved can be demanding, even for those with moderate or better computing skills. Web authoring, website promotion and campaign management are all relatively specialized skills that take time and effort to learn, sometimes keeping evenrepparttar 142117 most family conscious internet marketer atrepparttar 142118 computer untilrepparttar 142119 small hours (and beyond). When you add inrepparttar 142120 international dimension and emails (and potentially calls) arriving at all hours,repparttar 142121 potential for extra stress is considerable.

However, perhapsrepparttar 142122 biggest danger for would-be internet marketers (and perhapsrepparttar 142123 easiest to ignore) isrepparttar 142124 requirement to giverepparttar 142125 body some appropriate fuel from time to time. Vast numbers ofrepparttar 142126 population (in fact, virtually everyone) are already undernourished (if overfed!) as a result of eating poor quality food with low, if any, nutritional value.

As an example,repparttar 142127 US now consumes so little food containing omega-3 fatty acids, which can't be made byrepparttar 142128 body, that in 25% ofrepparttar 142129 population, blood levels are so low they can't be measured. given that this is a major component of brain and nerve tissue, is it any wonder that psychological and psychiatric "disease" are onrepparttar 142130 increase?

It is easy to head straight forrepparttar 142131 computer without considering eating first, then to spend all night there without budging, or worse, snacking on "non-foods" that are a principle cause of all chronic disease today. Few who have seenrepparttar 142132 film "Supersize me" would be prepared to argue that fast-food is an appropriate form of nutrition, let alone "good for you"! Neither are chips, cakes, pastries, sweets or virtually anything else that comes in a packet, box or cellophane wrapper, and none is a substitute for a healthy, home-prepared and nutritionally diverse meal.

Of course, a further danger of such unhealthy eating, combined with prolonged periods of inactivity isrepparttar 142133 ever-increasing American waistline. Those who are sat at a computer are (generally speaking, for non-contortionists) not, at that time, physically active. Spending all night online when one could be otherwise engaged exercizing (either alone or with a "partner"!) is unlikely to help you maintain even a current level of fitness, let alone lose weight or get fitter.

Internet marketing is a "softly, softly catchee monkey" game. The trick is to ensure you are still around and able to holdrepparttar 142134 monkey when he is caught! That means taking responsibility for your health and doing what you can to both maintain and improve it.

Brian Adamson is the founder and President of Natural Health Information Centre, a unique, independent resource whose sole intention is to cut through the myth and propaganda surrounding disease and health and make available the TRUTH about Disease prevention, management and cure in easily understandable language.

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