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Here are 10 quick ways to get people to sell you their antiques and collectibles. These will get you thinking about ways to make your phone ring. I buy and sell toy trains, but so you can better focus on what you specialize in, I have substituted
word widget for toy trains.
1. Develop a marketing plan outlining exactly how you are going to make your phone ring.
2. Have a strategy that will make
seller want to take your offer. This is
psychology of buying and creating a win-win situations. Nobody wants to lose. Make every seller feel like they are getting a good deal and they'll bring you more business.
3. Ask
person in line behind you at
post office, bank, and supermarket if they have any widgets for sale. Being shy doesn't make you money!
4. Show off
widgets you have. There are MANY ways to do this. Let people enjoy
widgets you have and your phone will ring with others wanting to sell widgets to you.
5. Run ads that say "Top Dollar Paid For Widgets."
6. Send a letter to local real estate agents telling them you pay cash for unwanted widgets. They often encounter people anxious to sell.
7. Tell other widget dealers you will buy any widgets they don't want.
8. Pay others to find widgets for you by offering a finders fee to anyone that helps you buy widgets.
9. Send Thank You letters to everyone you've bought widgets from in
past, and remind them you pay cash when they get their friends and neighbors to sell you widgets.
10. Network, network, network. It's not as hard as you might think it is to spread
word in a community that you are
person to call when someone has a widget to sell.
Learn more about buying and selling antiques and collectibles.

Terry Gibbs is the author of two best selling eBay books "The Auction Revolution," and "The Complete Guide To eBay Consignment Sales." Learn more at his website: