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Services are usually strong - especially online services. Find a niche here and you will usually succeed. But what kind of services sell? There are many kinds, but they usually don't take
form of affiliate programs that thousands of others are trying to sell. But, you might argue, affiliate programs are a great deal. With very little investment, you can be up and running in a very short time.
But why should someone buy from you, something that is being hawked all over
web? This is where
advice of
pundits comes into action. You must sell yourself first, and do something that sets you apart from
others who have exactly
same product or service.
Your own web site is a great start. You can have your picture there, a short bio and list your reasons for joining
program. If you can sell yourself,
affiliate sale is a lot easier. But to do this, you must be able to entice your visitors back. If you can get them there enough times,
odds of you making a sale greatly increase.
There are a number of ways to get them to return. Content that is continually updated is a great start. If you have information of interest to them, they will come back. A guest book where you can capture their email address is a real plus. You can then notify them when
content has changed, and you are building a valuable mailing list. Running a contest is also a good draw.
If you can get your visitors back for seconds, or even thirds, you have a much better chance of selling your product or services. Who knows - you might also get a lot of new visitors by "word of mouth" which is always one of
strongest forms of advertising available.

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