New Zealand Paua Shell

Written by David Finlay

Continued from page 1

The holes inrepparttar shell are for breathing and reproduction. Starfish arerepparttar 134146 Paua's most formidable predator as they have learnt to suffocaterepparttar 134147 Paua by putting their tentacles overrepparttar 134148 breathing holes thus forcingrepparttar 134149 paua to let go ofrepparttar 134150 rock.

Environmentally sound and sustainable management practices ofrepparttar 134151 paua fisheries are in place in New Zealand. There is a quota system, which is strictly enforced forrepparttar 134152 gathering of paua by both commercial and individual fishermen. No compressed air diving is allowed inrepparttar 134153 filling of these quotas. All paua gathered must be at least 125mm (5 inches) in size. There are stiff penalties for those caught removing undersize shells.

Cleaning Paua Shells Only some paua shells can haverepparttar 134154 lime taken off without damagingrepparttar 134155 shell. Some will be too thin and brittle and will crack once cleaning starts.

We have been asked on numerous occasions about cleaning shell using acid. Please note that we do not and will not ever use acid to clean our shells. We advise that you do not try this method.

In our factory we use diamond wheels to grindrepparttar 134156 lime off. If you do not have access to a diamond wheel grinder then we advise a coarse grade of sand paper around 150 grit through to fine sandpaper of about 600 grit. Use a wet and dry paper with plenty of water this will help avoid any dust. This will leave a semi gloss finish. If a high gloss is preferred we recommendrepparttar 134157 use of a buffing wheel with some form of rouge, this can be bought from a hardware store.

This whole process may take an hour or two for each shell and it will require plenty of elbow grease.

David Finlay is the co-founder of an online shopping site delivering the best crafts and gifts from New Zealand.

Vacations That Rock

Written by Andrew Kress

Continued from page 1

Planning vacations around events you want to see has a couple of major advantages. First of all, it lets you have something really special asrepparttar centerpiece of your vacations. Second, because most acts tour nationally, you can choose destinations to meet you budget.

“I love Classic Rock,” Says Phil Kramer of Queens, New York, “Butrepparttar 134145 worst seat in Madison Square Garden for some of these things runs $450! So for what I would have spent for three hours in MSG, I can getrepparttar 134146 tickets, hotel, dinner and drinks, so if I go to Philly,repparttar 134147 wife and I can make a weekend of it.”

Another advantage of traveling to concerts is that in some “mega-markets” premium seats can be unattainable, or ridiculously priced. So by moving out of that market into a neutral one, you can get better seating, and do it for much less than a market like New York or Chicago.

More and more, travel agents are finding that “centerpieces” offer themrepparttar 134148 opportunity entice clients that otherwise would not spend.

“I love it,” said Marion Gooding, of XTOURS travel “It lets people haverepparttar 134149 concert andrepparttar 134150 vacation in one.” Though Marion does it a little differently. “Most of my clients are traveling for business, or with families, so I find out what’s in that area while they are there—It’s just a nice little extra we give them.”

Andrew Kress is an event planner for Island Events Inc., Specializing in Event Ticketing and Event Planning for corporations, companies and private groups. For more ideas or help in obtaining event ticketing, go to

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