New Year New Love

Written by Dr. Dorree Lynn

Continued from page 1

These women spend much of their energy in efforts to make a loving relationship with a man and to deal with his seemingly incomprehensible feelings, ideas and reactions. Atrepparttar same time, he is often befuddled, byrepparttar 126302 flux and flow of her endless supply of emotions. It's almost as if they are speaking two different languages: She: one of romance. He: one of functionality and “fixrepparttar 126303 problem please.” Sometimesrepparttar 126304 roles are reversed and she can berepparttar 126305 practical pragmatic one, seeking to be swept off her feet.

When two people are in this wonderfully romantic phase,repparttar 126306 urge to merge outshines all potential problems. Being “in love” seems to heal all wounds.

Ah, but what happens whenrepparttar 126307 veils are lifted and time andrepparttar 126308 tasks of ordinary life begin to intrude? Somehow,repparttar 126309 very qualities that once seemed “perfect” are now pains barely endured. In this phase, a couple hasrepparttar 126310 opportunity to develop a real, committed working relationship, or split. Real, long lasting love and being “in love” are experiences that are worlds apart.

During this New Year, whether you are alone or already in a relationship, short term or long, think about what it will take for you to heal your own wounds and/or to learn from your partner in order to become whole. This is a very difficult process, requiring much effort. This New Year, are you ready to makerepparttar 126311 effort?

Life is too hard to do alone,

Dr. D.

Dorree Lynn, PH.D.

Dr. Dorree Lynn is co-founder of the Institute for the Advanced Study of Psychotherapy and a practicing clinician in New York and Washington, DC. Dr. Lynn served on the executive board of the American Academy of Psychotherapists and she is on the editorial board of their publication, Voices. She is also a regular columnist for the Washington, DC newspaper, The Georgetowner. Dr. Lynn is a noted speaker and well known on the lecture circuit.

In Sickness And In Health Until Death Do Us Part

Written by Dr. Dorree Lynn

Continued from page 1
would eventually die. He realized he was losing her and resolved to do one thing well. He resolved to love her torepparttar very end. He did and she returned his love with forgiveness and love. Grace smiled upon them and they found happiness ~—Storybook happiness as she lay dying. Theirs became a love story worth being written about and told forever.

In sickness and in health, for better and for worse, with lots of hard work, love can open our hearts. May you haverepparttar 126301 good fortune to be loved and may you haverepparttar 126302 greatest fortune of all to love deeply and totally.

Life is too hard to do alone,

Dr. D.

Dorree Lynn, PH.D.

Dr. Dorree Lynn is co-founder of the Institute for the Advanced Study of Psychotherapy and a practicing clinician in New York and Washington, DC. Dr. Lynn served on the executive board of the American Academy of Psychotherapists and she is on the editorial board of their publication, Voices. She is also a regular columnist for the Washington, DC newspaper, The Georgetowner. Dr. Lynn is a noted speaker and well known on the lecture circuit.

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