New Age Spirituality

Written by Elaine Murray

Continued from page 1

The best way to inner to go within. How do you go within? You meditate. If prayer is talking to God, (Divine Intelligence, Source, Creator or whatever word you prefer to use) then "meditation" isrepparttar art of listening to God, while in an altered state of consciousness.

By going within, you connect with your God-Source, and you can receive allrepparttar 126826 answers to any question about your life that you might pose. This is what gives you back your power. For truly, you are a child of God, and as a child of God...a co-creator, One withrepparttar 126827 Infinite. You do not need a priest or a minister to intercede for you. And that scares your religious leaders. They recognize that you no longer need them inrepparttar 126828 same way you did inrepparttar 126829 past. They also recognize; they can no longer control you, through guilt or fear. Is it any wonderrepparttar 126830 words, orrepparttar 126831 concept of New Age Spirituality frightens religious leaders?

There is no doubt: We have leftrepparttar 126832 Piscean Age, symbolized byrepparttar 126833 sign ofrepparttar 126834 fish...and have enteredrepparttar 126835 Aquarian Age symbolized byrepparttar 126836 water bearer. It is time to take back your power. It is time to remember you had it all along.

Elaine Murray is a retired elementary school teacher who lives on the shores of Lake Erie in Southern Ontario, Canada. She received her B.A. from the University of Western Ontario and is the author of "A Layman's Guide to New Age & Spiritual Terms", published by Blue Dolphin in 1993. She can be reached by e-mailing her at

The Passion of the Christ: Who Really Killed Jesus?

Written by Arthur Zulu

Continued from page 1

That leavesrepparttar betrayer Judas Ischariot,repparttar 126825 Jewish conspirators, and Pontius Pilate who was pressured to hand Jesus over torepparttar 126826 guards who killed him. To find outrepparttar 126827 culprit, let us see a statement of Jesus to Pilate during his trial at John chapter 19 verse 11: "This is whyrepparttar 126828 man that handed me over to you has greater sin." And another statement of admission of guilt byrepparttar 126829 Jews to Pilate at Matthew 27 verse 25: "At that allrepparttar 126830 people said in answer: ‘His blood come upon us and upon our children.' "

Sorepparttar 126831 question arises again: Who really killed Jesus Christ? Answer: The Jews murdered him. And they paid for this in 70 C.E when Rome destroyed that nation. But even today, people are still killing Jesus Christ in ‘small' and ‘big' ways.

Consider one ‘small' way,repparttar 126832 wearing ofrepparttar 126833 cross. Jesus did not die onrepparttar 126834 cross (Latin ‘cruz') , but on a tree or pole (Greek ‘stauros'). See King James Bible at Acts 5:30; 10:39; Galatians 3:13; and compare Deuteronomy 21:22,23. The cross is a pagan symbol,repparttar 126835 sign ofrepparttar 126836 Babylonian god Tammuz, son of Astarte,repparttar 126837 goddess of fertility, which some ‘Christians' celebrate as Easter. Besides,repparttar 126838 Bible condemnsrepparttar 126839 wearing of images.—Exodus 20:4,5; 1Corinthians 10:14; 1John 5:21.

Even then consider this: Imagine that a triple-edged sword has killed your best friend and you are searching for his murderers. Then you meet someone wearing that very instrument of death on his neck. What would you do to him? Strangle him! That is what should be done to those cross-wearing ‘Christians': hang them all!

What of in ‘big' things? Consider this quotation by ‘Chicago Tribune': "Every major religion preaches peace and brotherhood and mercy, yet some ofrepparttar 126840 cruellest and most intolerant repressions in history have been committed inrepparttar 126841 name of God." And this one by ‘Waterloo Courier' of Iowa: "Nor have Christians ever been squeamish about waging wars on other Christians. If they had been, most ofrepparttar 126842 liveliest wars in Europe would never have occurred. . . . World Wars I and II, which setrepparttar 126843 all-time records, for Christians killing Christians, could never have occurred."

Yetrepparttar 126844 teaching of Jesus on this is clear: he who lives byrepparttar 126845 sword would perish byrepparttar 126846 sword. And at Isaiah 2:4, it is stated that Christians should beat their swords into plowshares. But sadly, Christians are engaged in wars aroundrepparttar 126847 globe killing fellow believers and no-believers.

Military personnels and their commanders are slaughtering innocent people daily inrepparttar 126848 vain hope of stamping terrorism fromrepparttar 126849 face ofrepparttar 126850 earth and makingrepparttar 126851 world a peaceful home for mankind. Andrepparttar 126852 UN (called Talking Nations in my book CHASING SHADOWS!: A Dream), which has Isaiah 2:4 conspicuously written onrepparttar 126853 wall of its headquarters in New York, is shamelessly supervising all these pogrom The aggregation of these choreographers of genocide are killing Christ again.

ARTHUR ZULU, is an editor, book reviewer, and published author. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR CHASING SHADOWS!: A Dream( A book that revealsrepparttar 126854 terrorists' master plan to finally setrepparttar 126855 world on fire.) HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER For contacts, mailto:

Arthur Zulu is an editor, book reviewer and published author

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