Neuropeptide - Amino Polypeptide Skin Care Comparison

Written by J Bowler

Continued from page 1

Local interactions between skin cells, skin immune components and neuronal tissues occur specially through neuropeptides … Neuropeptide-related functions on skin and immune cells, as well ...nerve fibers in cutaneous inflammatory responses, hypersensitivity reactions and dermatoses, namely psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, leprosy and alopecia."

Now that you know that a neuropeptide has a function inrepparttar central nervous system and that a pentapeptide might also be a neuropeptide (having five amino acids in its chain) but not all neuropeptides are pentapeptides, how can you decide whether to payrepparttar 112829 extra money forrepparttar 112830 exciting new neuropeptide creams?

You want some evidence that they are sufficiently more effective to justifyrepparttar 112831 higher price, right?

In sorting through allrepparttar 112832 peptides currently touted for antiaging skin care, I decided they can be placed into one of three groups depending onrepparttar 112833 amount and quality onrepparttar 112834 published research and development behind their use in skin care.

Some peptides have a lot of published scientific research behind them. They were developed for medical use and because of their success, found their way into antiaging cosmeceuticals.

Copper peptide falls into this group since it has been studied and employed in wound healing sincerepparttar 112835 1970s. Palmitoyl pentapeptide also falls into this group. Doctors were already prescribing Strivectin-SD for stretch mark and scar removal when clinical studies of its superior wrinkle-reducing properties were presented atrepparttar 112836 20th World Congress of Dermatology in 2002.

Other peptides have been developed withinrepparttar 112837 cosmetic industry and quickly brought to market. The companies are careful to make no medical claims in order to avoidrepparttar 112838 lengthy FDA review process for a drug. Argiriline, a.k.a. acetyl hexapeptide-3, falls into this group. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that, similar to Botox, it reduces a muscle’s ability to tense and form deep lines of expression. Customer reviews are quite positive and more companies are incorporatingrepparttar 112839 ingredient into their treatment lines.

Inrepparttar 112840 third group are peptides that are very new or are proprietary and not widely available. Dr. Nicholas Perricone’s neuropeptide creams fall into this category. His neuropeptide variants all containrepparttar 112841 prefix “CL”. No research labs I could locate are studying or makingrepparttar 112842 CL variants. Of course, as we saw above inrepparttar 112843 case of palmitoyl pentatpeptide, he may have just given an already known nuropeptide a different name.

The consumer has little to go on except Dr. Perricone’s word. That is, unless you consider his track record and broad following. He hasn’t yet failed to deliver. His previous antiaging developments have met with broad acclaim and his three books have been onrepparttar 112844 New York Times Bestseller list.

Dr. Perricone explains his work with neuropeptides in his third book "The Perricone Promise" thus. “In 'The Wrinkle Cure' and 'The Perricone Prescription', I introduced a major theme of my research:repparttar 112845 Inflammation-Disease-Aging Connection.

Because inflammation is a great contributor to accelerated aging, it has been an important focus of my ongoing scientific research. And we now know that neuropeptides and peptides play an important role in mediating inflammation.”

Jean Bowler has been a fitness freak all her life. She has danced and taught ballet and been a personal trainer. Additionally she has sold skin care and nutrition products. Her articles on antiaging skin care products and cosmetic procedures, diet and nutriion, hair loss and more are available at

Too Many Books, Supplements and Programs

Written by Marc David

Continued from page 1

I remember asking people what they thought of this whole sport.

The majority were disenchanted byrepparttar slew of supplements,repparttar 105373 million training programs,repparttar 105374 500 ebooks on bodybuilding andrepparttar 105375 paper classics. It's like they wanted to know out ofrepparttar 105376 1 million resources, which ones wererepparttar 105377 ones they should read. And it better not be too many.

Butrepparttar 105378 problem with having somebody else choose for you obvious. Andrepparttar 105379 problem with too few choices is obvious as well.

Having so many choices is actually quite good. Many DB members who have read overrepparttar 105380 posts, visitedrepparttar 105381 sites linked to and talked about and purchasedrepparttar 105382 eBooks that get talked about often have a very well rounded knowledge base. They also start to see a lot of repetition. 6 meals a day isrepparttar 105383 way to go if you are on a weight gain or weight loss program. It just depends on what you eat for those 6 meals that determinesrepparttar 105384 outcome.

I look at my bookshelf and I see many fiction works and I see many books on supplements and vitamins. I look in my computer folders and I see well over 30 ebooks on fitness subjects. And I look in my supplement closet and see various programs and such. And I'm not confused. I like choices. I like different protein powders. Some shakes I love. Others give me an upset stomach. So having choices is good. And thru experience and time, I can pick and chooserepparttar 105385 best ones to suit my needs because after allrepparttar 105386 reading,repparttar 105387 postingrepparttar 105388 debating with members, and just reading what people post, I get better and better at being able to pick out what will best work for me.

Do not get discouraged when you walk into a supplement store and see 30 different types of bars. Nor should you get angry or upset when you go to various places and see yet another book on fitness. Having choices benefits you. And thru reading and learning and talking, you will figure out what is hype and what is real. One man's bullshit is another man's placebo to a 400 lb bench press.

Keep learning and don't look forrepparttar 105389 ONE program orrepparttar 105390 ONE supplement orrepparttar 105391 ONE book that will tell yourepparttar 105392 golden truth. Fact is, if you only had 1 of everything, you'd be very limited in knowledge.

Keep reading!

Marc David is a bodybuilder, writer, and author of the the e-book "The Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding" (BGFB): What Every Beginner Should Know but Probably Doesn't. Please visit his site at:

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