Networking - How to do it

Written by Alan Fairweather

Continued from page 1

#6 Personal hygiene - Brush your teeth or use a breath freshener. I've met people at networking events whose breath would bring down a rhino at fifty feet. Avoid drinking wine or coffee; they can make your breath sour. Stick to mineral water or a soft drink.

#7 Watch out forrepparttar perfume - Both men and women, strong scents can be overpowering.

#8 Name badges - They'll probably hand these out atrepparttar 138275 event, however consider having your own produced. They're not expensive to produce and it means you can ensure that what's onrepparttar 138276 badge is what you want. (Conference organisers often getrepparttar 138277 details wrong on name badges) Pinrepparttar 138278 badge on your right lapel - it's easier for people to read. The majority of people shake hands with their right hand. As you lean forward to shake hands, it means thatrepparttar 138279 other person can read your badge easier.

#9 Go with a partner - Take a friend or one of your team to a networking event. While you're there, alternately separate and come together. When you see your partner with someone or a group, walk up and let your partner introduce you. Your partner will introduce you using a pre-agreed benefit statement. Something like - "This is my friend Mary Smith - she helps business people find more customers by improving their networking skills." It's then easier for you to make more contacts.

Discover how you can generate more business without having to cold call! Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Sales without Selling" This book is packed with practical things that you can do to – get customers to come to you . Click here now

Sales Letters - How to Write Them

Written by Alan Fairweather

Continued from page 1

You have to sound like someone your prospect would like to do deal with.

Appeal to emotions - Human beings are 100% driven by their emotions so that's what you have to appeal to in any of your promotional materials. Use words like - "feel" - "You will feel less stressed when you follow this program"

Action - They're must be a call to action - tellrepparttar reader what to do now and offer an incentive - "Phone now to receiverepparttar 138274 early bird discount" - Returnrepparttar 138275 enclosed form today to receive your FREE gift."

Signature - Signing each letter by hand (in blue ink) will increase your chance of a successful response. Depending on numbers, this may not always be possible so userepparttar 138276 best software you can to make your signature look realistic.

P.S. - Include a P. S. after your signature, something that will "tease"repparttar 138277 reader to readrepparttar 138278 text. People will look at a letter headline first - they'll then go torepparttar 138279 bottom ofrepparttar 138280 letter to see who it's from. They'll then readrepparttar 138281 P. S. and that should encourage them to readrepparttar 138282 body ofrepparttar 138283 letter - "P. S. The free report will be sent within two days." They're obviously encouraged to readrepparttar 138284 letter to find out whatrepparttar 138285 free report is all about.

Rememberrepparttar 138286 rule of seven - one letter won't do it, you'll need to send at least seven over a period of time.

Treat your reader with dignity, respect and courtesy. The trick is in not making a sales letter sound like a "sales letter." It needs to come across like a personal message torepparttar 138287 individual. If they feel that you understand them and care about their situation then they are more likely - to bring their business to you.

Discover how you can generate more business without having to cold call! Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Sales without Selling" This book is packed with practical things that you can do to – get customers to come to you . Click here now

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