Net novice no more

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Continued from page 1
Once you are here, then it is only time you will need for unpacking your gear, and nestling into your web presence. You will be faced with a space to put up your web pages; drag and drop your created web pages; and you will be advised to create a folder called "Images", where you will double click to open, and you will place your pictures, logos, and other images in. A good tip: take note ofrepparttar web address, path, as you will need this to direct your picture (pic1.gif) fromrepparttar 119036 images folder to your web page. Also note, that you can directrepparttar 119037 image off to another page by applying a hyperlink address to it in your web page-creating software. This is basically it, once you have gotten this far, you are more advanced thanrepparttar 119038 majority ofrepparttar 119039 world. You have a web presence, you have a folder which looks and acts like any other folder on your computer's desktop; in which you have web pages and a folder called "Images"; and finallyrepparttar 119040 images are inrepparttar 119041 "images" folder. Web hosting is reallyrepparttar 119042 selling of virtual space for you to store your websites. There’s really nothing too complicated about it. Nowrepparttar 119043 decorating is up to you, you can adorn it with pictures and text or in time add automated and smart features; and to provide invitations to your 'presence' warming, (promotion of your site) you can find help with by searchingrepparttar 119044 Net for "Online Promotion". A good, cheap, feature packed landlord for your web presence is - just click and you're there. Alec Ellis - Glopro - is your No.1 provider of multiple website web hosting for Windows 2000. The lowest priced web hosting accounts with multiple websites and multiple SQL Server databases per web account makes unbeatable value for your web hosting needs - save $100's of per month. Unbeatable prices, fantastic service and powerful features make first in web hosting.

"Trade" and "Community" as two separate ideals

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Continued from page 1
Do you know much aboutrepparttar trends going on here as far as "community trade", or "community" and/or "trade" is concerned? YOU are there... just walk downrepparttar 119035 road torepparttar 119036 supermarket... they have done this all before... take a GOOD look at what they are doing. Give you three examples: ONE, a shop front (Net website front page, withrepparttar 119037 facility to design it yourself direct fromrepparttar 119038 BROWSER software); TWO, backend (Offline accounts, delivery regimes, contacts, diaries, calendars, staff BBS, client feedback, etc... all these are done viarepparttar 119039 browser too); THREE, Staff/client interaction, ("can I take your order please?", can I help you, can I order it in for you, would you like me to put you on my mailing list??? All done by BBS, and instant Messager chat). Now tell me? BTW: this is our latest venture - "net cities" -repparttar 119040 new face ofrepparttar 119041 Net, "community" and "trade" side by side.... we are ahead by two years, don't ask me how that is... I have to keep SOME secrets. Look through stats sites! We will be releasing this this month - Feb 2001. What do you personally feel aboutrepparttar 119042 future of "online advertising"? It will keep on changing, andrepparttar 119043 only way to keep up is by having an ear amongrepparttar 119044 users. This we have done, we are heavy into Ezine writing, articles... we have 4 writers whose job it is to WRITE about anything and everything... look atrepparttar 119045 discussions lists, comment on opinions and THAT is a possible article.... THIS is an article of which I will tidy up, later and post to allrepparttar 119046 Ezines and directories and article submission sites and even make into a web page and submit it to allrepparttar 119047 search engines and links pages..... ONLINE advertising is now fast becoming a dirty word... because Media has done it again... no self control, used every bit of net real estate to splash it on.... hence people are becoming de-sensitized atrepparttar 119048 least, and overloaded atrepparttar 119049 worst.... Bringing us right back torepparttar 119050 original starters ofrepparttar 119051 Internet craze, they are so worried aboutrepparttar 119052 losses in advertising income that their answer is to saturate it more.... where as... less advertising (like weeds) would giverepparttar 119053 chance forrepparttar 119054 garden to grow back to its glory again. (Sounds like that Peter Sellers movie!). What I would suggest is to get a free software called Copernic it is a search engine user.... at Use this to look up 'Internet Stats' or 'web stats', it is a great software to keep on hand for other projects.. as it retains search results. Get this and search out stats... you will be horrified to know that ONLY 6.1% ofrepparttar 119055 worlds population have web access, and only 4.1% use it to browse, and only 0.16 ofrepparttar 119056 worlds population understand what WE are talking about!! SO... conclusions... why advertise online when they generally know it all already, it costs too much offline to advertiserepparttar 119057 Yahoo and AOL have found.... There is 2% ofrepparttar 119058 worlds pop. that are connected but not browsing...emails etc.... And 5.84% ofrepparttar 119059 worlds pop. that are on line and know enough to use discussions lists, newsgroups, Ezines, NOT technical!!, looking to possibly makerepparttar 119060 net their new social home. Conclusion:repparttar 119061 WRITTEN word isrepparttar 119062 best form of ONLINE advertising today. Getrepparttar 119063 word out... JUST text... leaverepparttar 119064 ads at home... or incorporate them intorepparttar 119065 articles cleverly.... look at our Ezine: AllnetPromotion News - simple... but HIGHLY effective...our stats have increased 4 to 5 times ..... nothing special.... built HONEST, USEFUL information...notrepparttar 119066 kind ANY big newspaper hammers out that matches allrepparttar 119067 other papers. To pinpoint Switzerland.... find out who they are... what they have done in their past... what type of people are they? Then build something THEY want...not what YOU think they want.... Is trade ONLY "time pieces" or are there other things that they do, what isrepparttar 119068 community based on? How and where do they shop and why? You don't have to haverepparttar 119069 world best website... nor worlds most interactive... remember ONLY 0.16% ofrepparttar 119070 WORLD hasrepparttar 119071 patience to USE Internet Technical wizardry. So keep it simple and local. Hope this has helped... long winded I know... but it is a passionate subject for us at GloPro and trying to condenserepparttar 119072 Net in a few statements is not possible. Keep in touch. Alec Ellis GloPro - AllnetCities News - AllnetPromotion News - is your No.1 provider of multiple website web hosting for Windows 2000. The lowest priced web hosting accounts with multiple websites and multiple SQL Server databases per web account makes unbeatable value for your web hosting needs - save $100's of per month. Unbeatable prices, fantastic service and powerful features make first in web hosting.

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