Neon Tetras

Written by Linda Paquette

Continued from page 1

One major problem withrepparttar neon tetra is its susceptibility to neon tetra disease. When you buy your fish, inspect them closely for any signs of disease or weakness. Physically a sick fish will be paler in color thanrepparttar 137820 healthy ones, but an easy way to spot illness is when a neon prefers to be alone rather than joining in its school. Unfortunately, there is no cure for neon tetra disease. In its advanced stages,repparttar 137821 fish becomes crippled. It loses use of its tail and its spine is noticeably curved. Neon tetra disease is a degenerative disease, believed to be caused by environmental factors. Because of this, it isn’t thought to be contagious, but it will keep affecting your school until you have rectifiedrepparttar 137822 conditions that cause it. Common causes of neon tetra disease include poor water conditions and harassment by other fish. Neon tetras are also very sensitive to loud noises and bright lights.

Linda is editor of Tetra Fish and Cichilds  sections on

Aromatherapy for Pets

Written by Liz Santher

Continued from page 1

Oils can also be diluted in vodka or brandy and dabbed onrepparttar bottom ofrepparttar 137716 pet's paws or on an acupressure point such asrepparttar 137717 tips ofrepparttar 137718 ears. This isrepparttar 137719 technique to use if you are dealing with a panicky pet. Never feed your pet alcohol or essential oil directly.

Essential oils are also effective flea and tick repellents and are nearly as effective as sprays and powders that contain a lot of toxic chemicals. Oils such as peppermint, citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, geranium, bay and myrrh have been components of herbal flea sprays and flea collars for many years. You can easily make your own flea and tick spray by combining about 25 drops of any of these oils into eight ounces of water. Shakerepparttar 137720 mixture well and spray it on your pet, being careful to shield its eyes from mist. This mixture can also be sprayed anywhere that you suspect there may be a breeding bug infestation.

When using essential oils it is also essential for you to remember that a dog or cat's sense of smell is much more acute than our own. Signs that an aromatherapy treatment is too overwhelming for your pet are tearing eyes, sneezing, pacing or whining. Cats may lick themselves excessively and dogs may rub their head onrepparttar 137721 ground in order to escaperepparttar 137722 smell. Many pets also have allergies to essential oils. For instance, chamomile is related torepparttar 137723 ragweed plant, which is a common allergen for both pets and humans. This is why it is so important to use a mild solution at first and use your powers of observationrepparttar 137724 first few times you use an essential oil mixture on a pet.

******* (c) 2005 Liz Santher - All Rights Reserved

Liz Santher is a aromatherapy enthusiast and freelance author. *******

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