Natural Help For Dry Skin

Written by Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

Continued from page 1

+ Some skin care products contain humectants. Humectants are substances which attract water torepparttar skin to hold in moisture. Vegetable glycerine, vitamin B5 and vitamin E are all natural humectants.

+ Some skin care products also contain herbs. Comfrey, chickweed, calendula and aloe vera may help relieve dry skin when applied daily. Sometimes skin care products will contain both humectants andrepparttar 142378 herbs. This is a great choice. Put on your dry skin areas at least twice a day.

Jeannie Crabtree brings you health and wellness advice. Visit her Healthy Living Blog for more health tips

Aromatherapy: Esoteric & Spiritual applications

Written by Danny Siegenthaler

Continued from page 1

Man's sense of smell is not as acute as that of a dog or a moth, however, it is neverrepparttar less quite acute, and man is capable of distinguishing many thousands of odors. The exact way in which odor perception takes place is still quite a mystery to medical science. There is sound knowledge ofrepparttar 142377 structures involved in odor perception, butrepparttar 142378 function itself still has many unanswered questions.

By developingrepparttar 142379 sense of smell we are provided with a means by which we may use essences and aromatic substances to create a mood, a feeling, an atmosphere, or change our state of being to one which is more in harmony with our True Selves, and which aidsrepparttar 142380 development of our higher senses. Most people think of incense inrepparttar 142381 context of 'joss sticks'. To many people, incense is something that gives a nice fragrance to an environment and little more. Butrepparttar 142382 act of burning incense is more than this, and fragrances have quite profound effects.

Perfumes and aroma have a great power to influencerepparttar 142383 mind and to liftrepparttar 142384 consciousness. They can arouse memory and distant recollections, as well as soul memories (past lives). Use of incense sharpensrepparttar 142385 perception beyondrepparttar 142386 ordinary and encourages better powers of discrimination.

When we decide to extend our consciousness we must first pass throughrepparttar 142387 different layers of our own psychological makeup. ‘Incense’ helps to easerepparttar 142388 passage through these layers of self torepparttar 142389 Universal light, creating a link or channel between us andrepparttar 142390 formative energies ofrepparttar 142391 Universe and our own Being.

When essential oils, resins or gums are burned, their substance ‘etherealises’ and passes torepparttar 142392 subtler planes openingrepparttar 142393 way forrepparttar 142394 return flow of energy. By being consciously aware ofrepparttar 142395 incense or oil we are using, and by being aware of its properties, and in tune with our intention, we can work more effectively and more powerfully, whether it be in healing or meditation techniques.

Essential oils form a bridge commonly used by Auric Healers to set a communication link betweenrepparttar 142396 physical and etheric bodies. The radiations from natural aromatic substances also nourish our natural energies and spirit. Odors are known to give off vibrations which fit intorepparttar 142397 known electromagnetic scale and are thought to vibrate inrepparttar 142398 Infra-Red end ofrepparttar 142399 color spectrum. This is also known asrepparttar 142400 "invisible colors'.

Colors and odors are said to have a parallel, also odors and music, and odor and shape. The notes ofrepparttar 142401 Diatonic Scale (A,G,C,B,D,F,) have been correlated to odors, and various compounds in aromatic molecules are known to have certain shapes, e.g. round molecules tend to have a camphor-like smell, disc shapes to have a floral odor, and wedge shapes to have a Peppermint fragrance.

These facts present a definite argument in favor ofrepparttar 142402 ‘Vibration' theory, andrepparttar 142403 way odors have an effect onrepparttar 142404 "Sixth Sense”. Taking these correspondences a little further it is of interest to note that some essential oils are pigmented, which often relates to their therapeutic properties, for example:

- Benzoin is red and is used to promote healing; - Bergamot is green and is used inrepparttar 142405 treatment of urinary tract disorders; - Lemon is yellow and is used inrepparttar 142406 treatment ofrepparttar 142407 digestive system; - Chamomile is blue and is used against inflammation ofrepparttar 142408 skin and mucous membranes ofrepparttar 142409 body.

These colors also have therapeutic applications in color therapy, in which red is considered an energizing and warming color, green is balancing and harmonizing, yellow stimulatesrepparttar 142410 digestion, and blue is relaxing and cooling.

YIN being those characteristics of passive, contracting, inwards looking, empty, dark, cold, moist, sedating, inhaling, venous blood, parasympathetic nervous system, fear, caution, andrepparttar 142411 color blue.

YANG being those characteristics of active, outward going, expanding, opening, full, light, hot, dry, stimulating, arterial blood, sympathetic nerves, also anger, courage andrepparttar 142412 color red. The qualities of Yin and Yang representrepparttar 142413 forces or energies of opposites inrepparttar 142414 natural world.

1.There are 3 things to remember when using essential oils and aromatic substances in meditations and Psychic Healing : 2.Be aware of your breathing. This can be accomplished throughrepparttar 142415 practice of simple breathing techniques, in which you can calm your thoughts and emotions by slowing and deepening your breathing cycle. 3.Choose oils which will enhance your experience and balance your energies.

When using oils as ‘incense’, remember thatrepparttar 142416 "incense" becomes charged with your personal energy. Purity of motive and purpose, and sincerity are essential requirements inrepparttar 142417 art of censing. Clearness of intention is also important.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

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