NO2 Muscle Enhancing Hemodialator

Written by Marc David

Continued from page 1

Taking 3 pills before breakfast, and another 3 one-half hour before lunch, I can honestly say that while I've noticed no gains in strength yet, my muscle do feel perpetually pumped. It's like I just came back fromrepparttar gym but it lasts all day. While I cannot sayrepparttar 115701 results are amazing, I can sayrepparttar 115702 effects - both physical and psychological - are extraordinary.

As with any supplement, you need to drink plenty of water. NO2 does not have this specific requirement, but I've noticed that being properly hydrated has helped me keep that pump going all day. I've also seen some recommendations that taking NO2 with Creatine gives a complementary effect. To date, I have not tried this.

If you are looking forrepparttar 115703 next Creatine, NO2 could be it. I loverepparttar 115704 effects. Unfortunately like Creatine when it first came out, it's not cheap. But I've heard rumors that others will jump on this market and bring downrepparttar 115705 prices whererepparttar 115706 masses can afford it.


The quotes above were taken from a site called

Marc David has a degree in Criminal Justice from Sacramento State, a 16 year history of non-competitive bodybuilding and is the owner of Freedomfly -the fitness network! For free fitness tools, discount supplements, fitness consultation, and workout routines, visit

Beta Carotene is best says RealAge® and Biotrex™ Vitamins

Written by Larry Richards

Continued from page 1

RealAge Benefit: Eating a diverse diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients can make your RealAge as much as 4 years younger.

Vitamin A is essential for healthy vision and aids in immune system function. However,repparttar risk of toxicity from vitamin A supplements is high. Avoid taking large doses of vitamin A (no more than 8,000 IU per day). Instead, rely on vitamins C and E for extra antioxidant protection. Also, choose foods that are rich inrepparttar 115700 precursor to vitamin A -- beta carotene. Foods rich in beta carotene include apricots, peaches, cantaloupe, nectarines, and sweet potatoes."

So visit and sign up for some excellent health advice and daily health tips. Visit forrepparttar 115701 finest Nutriceutical formulas that help folks solve some of their basic human problems.

RealAge® Tip ofrepparttar 115702 Day, Copyright© 2003, RealAge, Inc. All rights reserved. RealAge shall not be liable for any errors or delays inrepparttar 115703 content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. RealAge® is a federally registered trademark of RealAge, Inc. Age Reduction™ is a trademark of RealAge, Inc.

Larry Richards is President of Biotrex Vitamins, a company that makes a very select line of Nutriceutical vitamin, mineral and botanical formulas that solve personal problems.

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