Continued from page 1
9. If something is not going right, walk away. Things usually take on a whole new look at another time.
10. The more love you give,
more you can receive.
11. The better your mood,
mood of those around you.
12. Singing, no matter how bad or off key, makes me feel good.
13. Patience is sure hard to learn, but I sure like it when I exercise it.
14. Money is great, but that's not where my happiness comes from.
15. The internet has introduced me to some wonderful, caring people and for this I am thankful.
16. The world can be as bright or dark as I choose it to be.
17. Good health is worth whatever cost.
18. The blessings are plentiful if I choose to see them.
19. The important things in life sometimes drift by without us even seeing them.
20. Life is a wonderful thing since I have chosen to perceive it that way.
I will choose to think of
year 2001, as
year that I found so much joy in life.
This is wishing everyone a great 2002.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire Ezine. Find the latest marketing trends, newest traffic programs, get free marketing courses. Subscribe by sending an email to You need product resell rights to be successful online. I'm almost giving them away.