Continued from page 1
You don't need anyone's coattails, if you join with someone who has a taken
time to develop a system that, IF you work it, and stick with it (we are talking about months here, possibly a year or longer) you will begin to see
financial rewards that we all are seeking.
And I'm not talking about a system that you are asked to pay for. This type of behavior is what got Amway into
trouble we have all heard way too much about!
Look for a system that you can plug into for free - and a company that can justify their sing-up fee, which should be minimal.
This is
way it should be. You should NOT be spending any money on marketing materials and training tapes -
profits of which are lining your uplines pockets.
Once you find that sort of sponsor, what I've taken to calling
Smart Sponsor type, you have found someone worth emulating.
And with their guidance, you can confidently go to work on developing your own leadership skills, which in time become
backbone of your business.
You can make it in mlm, but not alone - hence
time-worn line we've all heard too many times: "Be in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself."
It's a powerful statement, but you need to look for someone who knows what it REALLY means, and can lead you to an understanding you will be able to share with
people you bring into your business.
So look for a sponsor, and a solid company - not a product or service that promises to save
MLM is a business, and without a sound company behind you, you risk losing everything you've built if that company fails for ANY one of a hundred different reasons.
Good products/services are a dime a dozen, but a sponsor with leadership ability is worth his or her weight in gold. And a company on a solid foundation is not an option - it's a must if you value your time.
You can't afford to build a business and have it come crashing down because
company you represent goes out of business. This happens to people every day.
Here is a terrific quote on leadership.
"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up
men to gather wood, divide
work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for
vast and endless sea." - Antoine de Saint Exupery
Yes, you need to have and cultivate, in yourself and others, that yearning for
success that you could have in mlm. But remember that success cannot become reality without your gathering, working, following, and finally, your leading others to do
Everything has a process. It's only overwhelming if you think you must do it all now, or do it all alone.
right leader, your mlm dreams can be crafted into a reality worth every second you spend developing
leader within you.
So take care who you follow. And
company you represent.

Tracy Austin specializes in helping people build successful businesses that are 100% Internet-based, without spamming, mass advertising, or bulk emailing. She is one of several moderators of a private business discussion group about e-commerce, attraction marketing, and virtual community building online. To request details on free membership in this group, email her today: