My name is HAD!

Written by Greg Ryan

Continued from page 1

If only I could go back. I would see it this time! I would walk aroundrepparttar trap camouflaged byrepparttar 148405 bush, and I would not be Had. I would be proud. Was that my old name? Proud? I can’t even remember who I was anymore. I thought I was Good. Not Proud. But I don’t know anymore. Would you believe I never heardrepparttar 148406 trap shut? Too many voices were shouting in my head. I just new I got stuck somewhere unfamiliar and soon I didn’t likerepparttar 148407 scenery anymore. I wanted to go home. I pulled and pulled onrepparttar 148408 trap butrepparttar 148409 foothold wouldn’t budge. I had no way out. I screamed for God. He came for me. As he inspected my shattered ankle I expected him to say, “You deserve this, you know. You’ve been Had.” Because he did and I know and I have. He hasn’t said it yet. I don’t know how much to trust him yet. I’ve never known him from this side. My leg still hurts. God says it will heal in time. But I fear I will always walk with a limp. You see I wrestled withrepparttar 148410 devil and he gave me a new name. Had.

Have you ever been Had? God says He doesn’t want us to forget. We say, we just want to be healed. Has Good or Proud ever gotten inrepparttar 148411 way of you being Healed? There have been more Hads than Good or Proud may ever know. And sometimes it takes a Has Been to know a Had. God wanted to make sure we never act like we never been Had, so he leavesrepparttar 148412 scares. Never forget where you have been, and never forgetrepparttar 148413 dead times God has raised you up fromrepparttar 148414 times of being Had. Learn from them, mature from them and praise God forrepparttar 148415 Had that you once were and may be again. Have a great week!

Greg Ryan is a High Profile fitness expert best selling author of faith base and fitness books and former employee of Kathy. For FREE mini course on how to LOSE WEIGHT NOW the right way clich here

Remember the Titans

Written by Greg Ryan

Continued from page 1

Is there any difference in winning games and winning souls for Christ? Is there any difference inrepparttar lack of communication that once paralyzedrepparttar 148404 Titans and Christians today? Sometimes we just going throughrepparttar 148405 motions of going to church, going to parties and not breaking down barriers? And atrepparttar 148406 end ofrepparttar 148407 day even years later do we know any more about our friends? Can you count on both of your handsrepparttar 148408 number of people you hang with that you know things about them deeper than just their name or social status?

The turning point inrepparttar 148409 last game ofrepparttar 148410 season came whenrepparttar 148411 coach got angry and serious enough, pulled is defensive players aside and said. “From this moment forward I want you to let no one, I mean no one get past you and make another yard. Let them never forgetrepparttar 148412 day they playedrepparttar 148413 Titans!!!!”

From this moment forward, I challenge you to let no one; I mean no one, get past you. Let them never forgetrepparttar 148414 day you loved someone enough to find out more about them.

Greg Ryan is a High Profile fitness expert best selling author of faith base and fitness books and former employee of Kathy. For FREE mini course on how to LOSE WEIGHT NOW the right way clich here

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