My Path to Self-publishing

Written by Matt McGovern

Continued from page 1

COMING FULL CIRCLE A decade ago, this path would have been too cost prohibitive for me to even entertain. A decade ago, this path also carriedrepparttar stigma of "vanity" press and low quality--self-publishing wasrepparttar 128704 apparent bailiwick of those whose works were not good enough for a "real" publisher.

Not so anymore. And interestingly if you turnrepparttar 128705 clock back a century or so, self-publishing wasrepparttar 128706 norm with most writers--Dickens for example--who published and then peddled their own works. Seems we've come full circle and it's mainly due torepparttar 128707 advent of high quality digital printing services, powerful software layout and design applications, andrepparttar 128708 reach ofrepparttar 128709 World Wide Web. Technology has not only made it possible for authors to design and publish their books more economically, but has also provided a world-wide forum through which they can sell.

DO IT YOURSELF APPROACH Financially, once production costs are covered, an author (who is alsorepparttar 128710 publisher) who aggressively markets his or her work and creates a "buzz" can actually turn a profit--not to mentionrepparttar 128711 possibility thatrepparttar 128712 self-published work might find its way, deliberately or not, intorepparttar 128713 hands of agents and other power brokers inrepparttar 128714 traditional publishing world.

In my case, I was fortunate that I was also able to do all of my own editing, photography, graphic design, layout, pre-press work, and then build a Web site ( with a marketing plan to supportrepparttar 128715 book. My only "cost"--other thanrepparttar 128716 time it took to writerepparttar 128717 book, design it, and developrepparttar 128718 Web site--wasrepparttar 128719 actual printing.

Granted, my total do-it-yourself approach may have taken self-publishing torepparttar 128720 extreme, and most authors will likely need to outsource editing, book design, and Web design--butrepparttar 128721 cost of producing a well-designed, digitally-printed book, along with a Web site to support it, still remains in a range that makes self-publishing a viable and attractive option.

IT STILL REQUIRES TALENT . . . AND PERSEVERANCE Of course, you still needrepparttar 128722 talent to writerepparttar 128723 book and a strong desire both to tell your story and to sell it, but self-publishing is a reasonable alternative--for a host of reasons--and it is becoming more and more common.

Self publishing no longer carriesrepparttar 128724 stigma of substandard work. Self publishing seems to have found its own niche--quality works that can't be categorized to fit neatly on a book store shelf, written and published by authors who believe in their message so strongly that they are willing to invest their own time, money and effort intorepparttar 128725 entire process.


Copyright (c) 2004 by Matt McGovern--All rights reserved.

Matt McGovern combines a rare blend of creative and technical know-how with years of experience and a balanced and purposeful approach to life. He has authored and edited numerous books, e-books and e-zines. Get "Know-How" his free e-newsletter at or explore life, death and beyond with his novel, "CURRENTS-Every Life Leaves an Imprint" at

The Secret Ingredient to Your Writing

Written by Rob Parnell

Continued from page 1

His message was clear. All too few of us take luck into account when we plan our careers.

I believe, to a certain extent, we make our own luck. We may plan, we may write, we may persist but we must also learn to let go and follow our intuition. Luck - being inrepparttar right place atrepparttar 128702 right time - has a way of happening whether we plan for it or not. I thinkrepparttar 128703 trick is to believe that luck will help you - and, for reasons great and mysterious, it will!

So What'srepparttar 128704 Secret Ingredient, Rob?

Now, don't groan, or mock, or do that skyward look on me as I tell yourepparttar 128705 secret ingredient is love.

Let me explain.

You cannot succeed in a vacuum. Success is relative and - in our world - requiresrepparttar 128706 assistance and support of those around us to happen. Therefore, love isrepparttar 128707 crucial factor that facilitates our success.

First, you must love your writing. Only then will you give itrepparttar 128708 attention it deserves and make itrepparttar 128709 best that it can be.

You must love writing, andrepparttar 128710 writings of others, for showing yourepparttar 128711 way and for providingrepparttar 128712 medium of communication that means so much to you.

You must love those around you forrepparttar 128713 support they can give you. If you show those around you hate or anger or bitterness, they will not want you to succeed and will unconsciously (or sometimes deliberately) sabotage your success. Not good.

You must loverepparttar 128714 people you deal with in your professional life -repparttar 128715 agents,repparttar 128716 publishers and fellow writers. Treat them with suspicion and resentment and they will not want to work with you and help you. Love and trust your peers and your contacts and you'll be surprised how much more they are willing to assist and promote you.

But most of all, you must love yourself -repparttar 128717 greatest love of all, as they say. Treat yourself kindly, nurture your talent and support your writing habits.

Start here and now, loving what you do and who you are and practice loving everyone and everything around'll be amazed atrepparttar 128718 difference it makes.

Use love as your secret weapon...and success may be just a whisper away.

Owner of the Easy Way to Write, the famous online writing resource for the novice and serious pro. Author of countless ebooks, courses and articles

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