“My Landscaping is Better Than Your Landscaping…”

Written by Doreen Banaszak, www.getunslumped.com

Continued from page 1

2. Now, list all ofrepparttar excuses why this vision could never be a reality. This includes internal and external reasons:

External: -The economy is bad. -It’s a tough industry. -People won’t pay for this service.

Internal: -I don’t know how to run a business -I hate marketing. -Why would anybody buy anything from me? -I can’t make money doing work I love.

List them all, I’m sure, like my clients, you have plenty.

3. Now test your belief in these excuses:

-The economy is bad. “People are successful in so called “bad economies” allrepparttar 106907 time.” -It’s a tough industry. “If other people can figure it out, I certainly can.” -People won’t pay for this service. “People pay for this service allrepparttar 106908 time.” -I don’t know how to run a business. “I can learn how to run a business.” -I hate marketing. “Maybe I can get someone to do my marketing for me.” -Why would anybody buy anything from me? “I do have great ideas and examples of work I’ve already done.” -I can’t make money doing work I love. “I’ve never tried, so I don’t really know if I can.”

You just want to get pastrepparttar 106909 disbelief in order to generate next steps.

Bottom line, if you’re not willing to seerepparttar 106910 possibilities, you won’t seerepparttar 106911 obstacles and therefore you won’t be able to resolve them and move toward what you really want to do.

Unfortunately a lot of us live our lives according to beliefs, that once you break them down, aren’t realities. This is trulyrepparttar 106912 “big lie” and it’s time we all started creating our own desired realities!

Doreen Banaszak is a career coach, teacher & founder of the “90-Day Get Your Career UnSlumped Challenge”. Where do you want to be in 90 days? Register today to receive your free “GetUnSlumped Welcome Package” including an e-workbook, free tele-workshop and complementary coaching consultation. Register at www.getunslumped.com!

"How to Transform a Boring Message Into A Killer Cover Letter"

Written by Robert Phillips

Continued from page 1


The next step is getrepparttar reader interested in what you have to offer. In this case, since you're applying for a job,repparttar 106906 goal is to getrepparttar 106907 reader interested in you, right?

So how do you do that? You feed them interesting facts. Like how much money you saved your previous employer. By telling them how you were at top of your class. Or that you were one ofrepparttar 106908 top salespeople andrepparttar 106909 qualities you possess that enabled you to become a top performer.

Look at your past. There have to be some accomplishments you can talk about. And you must possess some strengths that enabled you to achieve those accomplishments. Don't keep them to yourself. Tellrepparttar 106910 hiring manager. Create enough interest to makerepparttar 106911 reader want to know more. How else can they make an informed decision? You're not helping anyone by holding back.


You've grabbedrepparttar 106912 reader's attention and created interested, now you'll arouse desire by describingrepparttar 106913 benefitsrepparttar 106914 company will get if it "buys" what you're selling (which is you). What arerepparttar 106915 benefits of hiring you?

You've got a proven track record. You possess qualities that have made you successful inrepparttar 106916 past and will continue to make you successful inrepparttar 106917 future. The hiring manger will be congratulated for making such an outstanding hiring decision. Those are some general ideas. I'm sure you can think of some that are more specific to you and your situation.

Fill inrepparttar 106918 details that apply to your situation. Do you have some special certification or accreditation? Do you have a specialized degree? Do you have unique and relevant experience that make you an ideal candidate forrepparttar 106919 job? Surely, there are several benefits you can use to sellrepparttar 106920 hiring manager on bringing you in for an interview.

Even if you're trying to switch careers, my killer "System" will get you noticed. You'll get interviews just becauserepparttar 106921 hiring manger wants to meet someone who'd send such a creative cover letter.


All that's left now is to getrepparttar 106922 reader to pick uprepparttar 106923 phone and call you. Don't leaverepparttar 106924 reader hanging. You've grabbed their attention, created interest, and aroused desire. Now tell them what to do next. And don't be timid. I like to use a subheadline - a headline withinrepparttar 106925 letter. It looks like this:

Here's What To Do Next…

Can you be any clearer than that? I don't think so. You could also use something like: "Here's How To Schedule An Interview With Me…"

Then give them your contact information - all of it. Your phone number, fax number (if you have one), mailing address, email address, cell phone, etc. People are different and you don't know what their preferred method of communication is so make it easy for them to "order" an interview with you.

Some people will want to pick uprepparttar 106926 phone and call you. Others prefer email. So give them multiple ways to contact you. That increasesrepparttar 106927 chance they'll contact you for an interview. And that's what you want, isn't it?

So there you have it,repparttar 106928 AIDA formula. Apply it to transform stale, boring cover letters into Killer Cover Letters that'll getrepparttar 106929 phone ringing offrepparttar 106930 hook.

Here's What To Do Next…

Hey, haven't you seen that somewhere before? Well, if you liked this article, you'll absolutely love my Killer Cover Letter "System." You can get allrepparttar 106931 details at: www.CoverLetterGuru.com

To Your Extreme Success, Robert A Phillips

Robert is an author, speaker, and real estate entrepreneur(both on & offline). Robert applied his direct response marketing skills to develop a Killer Cover Letter System that produced 3 job offers in 72 hours. Please visit www.CoverLetterGuru.com to find out more about Robert's Killer Cover Letter "System." To request your FREE Report send a blank email to report@CoverLetterGuru.com

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