My Biggest Catfish

Written by nlcatfish

Continued from page 1
bite viarepparttar line tension. This fish got a little more pressure then dropped back, finallyrepparttar 143665 line stayed tight, pulled back and he was there! Fromrepparttar 143666 first moment I knew this was a BIG fish, it just did not want to move offrepparttar 143667 bottom. This area is loaded with snags andrepparttar 143668 pole this fish was on really did not have much back bone to apply any lifting pressure onrepparttar 143669 fish. I was very concerned he would get me hung up on a sang. It took some time to get this fish torepparttar 143670 boat so I could getrepparttar 143671 net on him. When I first saw him I knew this wasrepparttar 143672 biggest fish I ever caught out ofrepparttar 143673 Ohio River! It was a good size flathead cat; his head got intorepparttar 143674 net, however his tail was hanging out. This guy was 19.2 pound and 33 inches long as I putrepparttar 143675 details in my log book. I forgot how slimy these fish are, but found out as I had to cradle it with my arms to get some pictures of it. Oncerepparttar 143676 picture taking was completed I slowly slipped him overrepparttar 143677 side to return to fight another day. I am sure he will give a thrill torepparttar 143678 next person that has a duel with him inrepparttar 143679 future. He got hungry for a strip of thawed skipjack on my hook which explainedrepparttar 143680 stop and start action ofrepparttar 143681 bite.

All in all 3 bites and 2 nice catfish; not bad for about 4 hours of fishing on a very hot morning. Needless to say I will be returning to my NEW favorite fishing hole inrepparttar 143682 future. Tight lines to all. webmaster for Cincinnati Catfishing AND SHOP WITHOUT DROPPING Over700Bargings4YOU

Have been catfishing around the Downtown Cincinnati area of the Ohio River for over 40 years. Gone catfishing at Lockport 5 times over the past 10 years. It is the greastest place to catch lots of huge CHANNEL catsfish in North America!! Also have web site about catfishing called CINCINNATI CATFISHING with information on catfishing this part of the OHIO RIVER.

Mike Tyson Scheduled Fight

Written by Elvis Preston King

Continued from page 1

If Iron Mike Tyson can get Elvis Preston King in his corner his life will turn forrepparttar better. Elvis Preston King has some success secrets in his bag of moves that will make Tony Robbins look like a school boy.

Mike Tyson still has a lot to offer torepparttar 143664 boxing world and Mike’s fans and Mike Tyson’s number 1 fan is Elvis Preston King. Unlike his other friends and fans I won’t turn my back on him when he is down.

Iron Mike Tyson will fight again and soon.

Do your Google search once in a while to getrepparttar 143665 latest on Mike Tyson and Elvis Preston King andrepparttar 143666 upcoming fight with Mike Tyson and………………

Elvis Preston King is the world’s most renowned and respected playboy. His job is picking up and seducing classy young women globally for the gentleman conoseiur who realizes that there is more to life than just accumulating money and the same old same old boring wife. You can email him at or visit and

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