Music of the Spheres with the Las Vegas Philharmonic

Written by Robert LaGrone

Continued from page 1

Although Sir Edward Elgar composed his Cello Concerto in E Minor aroundrepparttar same time as Holst wrote most of The Planets, Elgar’s piece reflects more earthly matters — namely,repparttar 109733 horror ofrepparttar 109734 Great War that had just ended. Appropriately,repparttar 109735 Philharmonic’s guest soloist for this piece wasrepparttar 109736 expressive virtuoso Daniel Gaisford, who sat directly facingrepparttar 109737 audience to presentrepparttar 109738 drama of this concerto.

Untilrepparttar 109739 twentieth century, European wars were largely affairs of honor in which small royal armies did battle far fromrepparttar 109740 cities. A few soldiers were lost on each side, andrepparttar 109741 public rooted for their sides like distant soccer teams. World War I, with its industrial-strength killing machines, changed everything and gaverepparttar 109742 continent a sense of lost innocence. Elgar’s concerto is a lament for a bygone age, filled with sad, sweet passages throughout its three movements. Evenrepparttar 109743 final “allegro” section is utterly devoid ofrepparttar 109744 optimism we heard in Walton’s overture.

Read this entire feature free with photos at:

- By Robert LaGrone, Las Vegas Entertainment Editor. Read Jetsetters Magazine at

Robert LaGrone, Las Vegas Jetsetters Magazine Entertainment and Classical Music Editor. Read Jetsetters Magazine at

Star Trek In Flames – No Phoenix In Sight

Written by Joshua Tyler

Continued from page 1

Actually, I’m not truly sure why I’ve bothered writing this. I’ve no new insight to offer onrepparttar matter, I simply needed to vent. I loved Star Trek and Rick Berman hates me. Barring Star Trek, some other good space adventures sure would be nice. WB killedrepparttar 109732 Babylon 5 movie, so forget about that. Without Tom Cruise on board or his lower level equivalent they don’t want to risk it. Imagine if that attitude had been taken whenrepparttar 109733 idea for Star Trek: The Motion Picture was presented. It’s ridiculous that a B5 movie based on a successful franchise with hordes of fans, cannot get made usingrepparttar 109734 original cast when in a few months a movie based on a cancelled TV show will be. I suppose my only hope now is Firefly… but let’s get realistic. No matter how good that movie is, it’ll never make back it’s budget and it isn’t going to revitalizerepparttar 109735 space-sci-fi genre. It needs a Lord ofrepparttar 109736 Rings to bring it back or a Star Wars that doesn’t feel like a toy line advertisement. Either of those things happening is a long shot, so I guess I’d better hitrepparttar 109737 bookstore and cozy up with some Heinlein. Maybe when this superhero craze burns out there’ll be room for movies to return to outer space.

Joshua Tyler is the Owner and Creator of, a movie news and review resource updated daily and available for paid syndication.

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