Mr and Mrs Smith go online, as internet technology moves from fantasy to normality

Written by Rachel Lane

Continued from page 1

Internet banking is also increasing in significance. There are now over 10.3 million consumers managing their bank accounts online, a result of increased confidence forrepparttar consumer and simplification of front-end technology by financial organisations and providers.

Despiterepparttar 142958 positive news, finance companies could go further in encouraging consumers to take uprepparttar 142959 internet as a tool to manage their finances. NOP World has additionally reported that many online accounts remain dormant stating thatrepparttar 142960 problem affects all banks “even specialist online providers, with dormancy rates ranging from as low at 10% to as high as 80%”., Moneyextra and, online comparison and information websites, specialising in personal finance, have already tried to resolverepparttar 142961 issue of consumer apathy and financial lethargy by introducing product guides to explain complex terminology.

For further information:

Rachel writes for the personal finance blog Cashzilla:

Rachel has all her own teeth.

Home Buyer Beware – Know the Signs of Real Estate Market Trouble

Written by Charles Essmeier

Continued from page 1

  • The foreclosure rate is increasing. The rate increased in March and April overrepparttar same months last year, suggesting that more buyers may have discovered that they have mortgages on which they cannot makerepparttar 142910 payments. The foreclosure rates arerepparttar 142911 highest in Florida and Texas, which have foreclosure rates that are nearly triplerepparttar 142912 national average. With interest rates near historic lows, mortgages are more likely to become even less affordable as interest rates increase.

  • What this means for prospective buyers is that they must do even more research before buying a home. Buyers should genuinely consider whether or not they could actually afford to make home payments that include a reduction in principal. If a buyer can’t afford a home without taking out an interest-only loan,repparttar 142913 buyer probably can’t affordrepparttar 142914 home. Buyers should be suspicious of home appraisals and should, if possible, askrepparttar 142915 appraiser if they are being pressured to provide a predetermined figure. Every buyer wants his or her home to appraise for at leastrepparttar 142916 amount ofrepparttar 142917 loan. Butrepparttar 142918 current market is one where buyers are straining to make payments on prices that are at record levels. The last thing any buyer wants is to strain to make payments on a mortgage that exceedsrepparttar 142919 value ofrepparttar 142920 home. The real estate market is in a precarious state atrepparttar 142921 moment, and prospective buyers should do as much research as possible to make sure that they can both pay for, and keep, their new home.

    ©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier isrepparttar 142922 owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a Website devoted to debt consolidation information and, a site devoted to information on home equity loans.

    ©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a Website devoted to debt consolidation information and, a site devoted to information on home equity loans.

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