Moving Money

Written by William Cate

Continued from page 1

If your Government is amongrepparttar few that tax worldwide income, hold your offshore assets inrepparttar 112396 name of a tax haven corporation. And a tax haven corporation eliminates issues involvingrepparttar 112397 inheritance of your wealth. Consider howrepparttar 112398 Swiss banks and insurance companies treatedrepparttar 112399 survivors ofrepparttar 112400 Holocaust after World War II as a useful historical lesson.

Your country is probably amongrepparttar 112401 majority of nations that actively try to discouragerepparttar 112402 middle-class from moving their assets offshore. There are always ways around this policy. Even duringrepparttar 112403 height ofrepparttar 112404 Cultural Revolution tens of millions of middle-class dollars fled to Hong Kong from Mainland China. The two Rhodesian Governments attempted everything within their power to stoprepparttar 112405 hemorrhaging of middle class wealth to Britain, before these countries became Zambia and Zimbabwe. Read a contemporary history of either country and you will learn that those who moved their wealth, be they black or white, are far better off today.

Methods vary on how to move money from countries with strong currency, or other restrictions, to banks in Europe or North America. The days ofrepparttar 112406 "Black Bag" courier are over. The costs for money moving services are usually eight percent ofrepparttar 112407 money moved. There are many crooks inrepparttar 112408 Global Village. The client should knowrepparttar 112409 people involved inrepparttar 112410 money moving service. Also, you are usually wiser movingrepparttar 112411 smallest sum of money thatrepparttar 112412 money moving service will handle.

The stronger your Government's prohibitions against moving your money offshore,repparttar 112413 wiser it is to move your assets elsewhere. However, even in countries that are open to having their middle class globalize their assets, laws can quickly change. In 2001,repparttar 112414 United States replacedrepparttar 112415 Bill of Rights withrepparttar 112416 Patriot Act in six weeks.

Aboutrepparttar 112417 Author: William Cate has offeredrepparttar 112418 Globalize to Survive Workshop for over a decade to middle-class investors in many countries. He'srepparttar 112419 Executive Director ofrepparttar 112420 Global Village Investment Club []. Since 1982, he's beenrepparttar 112421 Managing Director of Beowulf Investments []

He has been the Managing Director of Beowulf Investments [] since 1981 and is the Executive Director of the Global Village Investment Club []

Auto Loan Buying Tips

Written by Duane Lipham

Continued from page 1

Now, using all of this information,repparttar price you are willing to pay forrepparttar 112395 vehicle you want,repparttar 112396 average loan you can get, andrepparttar 112397 best terms that you can get that will fit within your budget, you are now ready to visitrepparttar 112398 dealer, findrepparttar 112399 vehicle you have been thinking about and getrepparttar 112400 deal that will fit your needs. Remember to negotiaterepparttar 112401 price ofrepparttar 112402 vehicle without financing first. After you settle onrepparttar 112403 sales price you can then reveal what finance terms you already have found and see if they can beat it.

Getrepparttar 112404 particulars in writing too. What isrepparttar 112405 price forrepparttar 112406 new vehicle? What isrepparttar 112407 trade amount for your old vehicle if you have one? If you finance throughrepparttar 112408 dealer, what isrepparttar 112409 APR,repparttar 112410 total amount financed,repparttar 112411 total amount paid atrepparttar 112412 end ofrepparttar 112413 loan,repparttar 112414 total number of payments andrepparttar 112415 monthly payment figure itself? Ifrepparttar 112416 dealer will not give this clear, concise information, leave and go somewhere else to buy. If they can compete with your prearranged loan terms, then great. If not, get your auto loan elsewhere.

A word of caution. Keep it to business. It's exciting to buy a new car and it's also easy to get carried away and buy more vehicle than you need or previously wanted just because it looks so good or has so many features thatrepparttar 112417 dealer will try to convince you that you can't live without. Having predetermined what car you want andrepparttar 112418 price you are willing to pay will keep you safe in these negotiations but only if you stick to your guns and don't give in to being upsold.

Using these strategies keeps you in control ofrepparttar 112419 negotiation process and keeps you informed all alongrepparttar 112420 way so that you can be confident thatrepparttar 112421 vehicle andrepparttar 112422 auto loan you purchase is indeedrepparttar 112423 deal that you wanted.

Duane Lipham is the senior editor of where you can find free information and advice on getting the right personal, auto, home equity, mortgage, and refinance loan for your needs.

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