Motivation: Keeping the Fire Going in Your Fat Loss Plan

Written by Aimee Deak

Continued from page 1

For many people, change is more threatening than challenging. They see it asrepparttar destroyer of what is familiar and comfortable rather thanrepparttar 131303 creator of what is new and exciting.

Anyone can lose weight. The trick is to LOSE FAT and keep it off!

People who stay slim have usually experienced an attitude shift. It's as if a switch flips in their head. They come to a point in life, for one reason or another, where it becomes clear thatrepparttar 131304 benefits of keepingrepparttar 131305 fat off exceedrepparttar 131306 costs. "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."

My fat loss and fitness plan “Every Body Loses” will give yourepparttar 131307 tools you need to begin a healthy fat loss program. The style of eating and exercising outlined in my book is one that you can follow for life without feeling deprived. If you’re serious about losing fat and getting fit go to and get started TODAY!

Aimee Deak Personal Trainer & Nutrition Analyst AIM 4 NUTRITION

Aimee Deak is a certified personal trainer, nutrition analyst and author of the book, "Every Body Loses", an easy-to follow, step-by-step guide to fat loss.

You can find more information about fat loss and exercise on her website


Written by Aimee Deak

Continued from page 1

•Give away your leftovers and don’t accept any to “take home” if you are eating at someone else’s house. The only leftovers you are allowed to keep is white meat turkey (breast.) Tossrepparttar gravy, mashed potatoes,repparttar 131302 stuffing and yes…the cakes, pies, cookies, candy and other assorted goodies. You’ll never get “back to normal” with that stuff cluttering your fridge.

•The day after Christmas Day…work out! Get back to your normal diet and your normal routine. If you allow your exercise program to falter you might not start again until February or March of next year. Exercise is your friend and should not be neglected. Remember allrepparttar 131303 hard work you put in duringrepparttar 131304 year. Don’t letrepparttar 131305 Holidays derail you! DO NOT userepparttar 131306 Holiday season as an excuse to continue poor eating habits and skipping workouts oncerepparttar 131307 social functions are finished.

If you follow my suggestions you can emerge fromrepparttar 131308 “dreaded” Holidays without having a gained a pound and with a new sense of control and confidence. You will have EMPOWERED yourself to “enjoy” but not “over-do”.

Eat right, workout, BE HAPPY and most of all, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Aimee Deak Personal Trainer & Nutrition Analyst AIM 4 NUTRITION

Aimee Deak is a certified personal trainer, nutrition analyst and author of the book, "Every Body Loses", an easy-to follow, step-by-step guide to fat loss.

You can find more information about fat loss and exercise on her website

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