More Uses for Your Business Plan

Written by Gerry McRae

Continued from page 1

5. You will not have to start out from scratch should you have a similar need to re-apply for funds, tender an invitation to a partner, or supply data forrepparttar experts should you consider 'going public.' The evidence of before-and-after progress is helpful as a contribution to a 'for sale' proposal, or for a sudden and urgent offer to buy. Plans for expansion, mergers, spin-offs, or cooperative alliances can start with your collected data.

6. Your business plan, with its appendices, is a convenient repository for company data and records, equipment details, floor plans, measurements, maps, contact details for legal and accounting consultants, general historical information, industry descriptions including your historical SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis ofrepparttar 103678 past, current and future atrepparttar 103679 time of its writing.

7. Create in-house displays of your mission statement,repparttar 103680 organizational chart orrepparttar 103681 photographs and biographical sketches of your benefactors and supporters.

Don't have a business plan in your files? Begin preparing portions today as an investment for that day when you will need one. It's quite probable that when that need arises you will be too pre-occupied to devoterepparttar 103682 required time and energy on an appropriate plan.

Now, you have a greater incentive to do a more thorough business plan today, knowing it is going to serve several useful purposes inrepparttar 103683 future.

Gerry added practical wisdom to his college and univeristy courses by owning and operating small businesses. That wisdom is now online at

Stop Waste, Fraud and Abuse

Written by Chris Anderson

Continued from page 1

Vital Procedures Resource used by Thousands

Accounting Policies and Procedures is one such vital resource used by thousands of executives and managers to strengthen their financial operations. Such a manual contains an introduction to accounting, an explanation of how to create your own controllers manual, an example of a complete prewritten manual, ample policies, procedures and forms forrepparttar most common processes (revenue, cash, assets, purchasing and administration), a detailed index to every keyword, phrase and regulation used, plus a Guide to Embezzlement Prevention.

Examples for Every Owner or Executive

Every month executives share their stories about satisfying their auditors with new controls, of increased earnings found in their business and how much time was saved. So, if you want to increaserepparttar 103677 profits of your business then consider an Accounting Policies & Procedures manual.

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Chris Anderson has over 18 years of sales, marketing and business management experience working with business process design, software and systems engineering for over ten years. He is also co-author of policies and procedures manual products, producing the layout, process design and implementation to increase performance. Visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

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