More Links! Links! links!

Written by Dale Sexton

Continued from page 1

3. If you use your own autoresponder, don't make it look like advertisement. You'll be accused of being a spammer. I used this message:

'If you found my email from a list or an email harvester, be assured that I will get your message. I will answer legitimate messages.

If you are interested in tools and information for your small business, send an email to: '

What I've done is maderepparttar message look like I am avoiding spammers and I get my advertising in if someone wants to look at it.

4. Personalize your message torepparttar 125180 guestbook owner. This takes some work. You have to look atrepparttar 125181 owners pages to write a credible message torepparttar 125182 owner. If you do this, you will more than likely get a message back fromrepparttar 125183 owner thanking you for visiting.

All ofrepparttar 125184 messages I received came inrepparttar 125185 way of a feedback form, so I know they personally visited my site. I can now keep a personal rapport with them because I have their email address. Who knows? Maybe someday they may need my services or sign up for my newsletter.

5. Don't userepparttar 125186 message to advertise your site, product, or service. You will be accused of spamming. Keeprepparttar 125187 message about what you think aboutrepparttar 125188 owners site.

6. Putrepparttar 125189 address your message is on in a database to send to search engines later. After you have enough to put on a page, submitrepparttar 125190 page.

This causesrepparttar 125191 links to be spidered and you have more links onrepparttar 125192 popularity engines. Because your link will stay onrepparttar 125193 page for a long time. You don't have to be as hurried as you would doingrepparttar 125194 same for FFA links.

I recommend these tools to speed up filling out guestbooks or any other form.



Though this might seem to be a slow process,repparttar 125195 benefits are good. Your links stays up for a long time, you can gain a relationship withrepparttar 125196 guestbook owner, s/he will be glad to have you post again months later.

Dale Sexton owns and operates '' and publishes 'Small Business Tools magazine'. Both are focused on tools and tips to run your small business or start a business. You can reach him at and sign up for 'SBT magazine' at


Written by Roger Donald

Continued from page 1

So, how do you go about getting listed? Before you go straight torepparttar directories and try to get listed, take a look at your site. Does it offer secure transactions? This is paramount to getting anybody to shop online with you. With it takingrepparttar 125179 average surfer two years to make a purchase online (Forrester Report), security is a must. Are you using shopping baskets? Do you clearly show your terms and conditions? Do you have a postal address for customers to contact? Have you been accredited by an assurance programme? Such as, or Web Assured. All of these points will greatly improverepparttar 125180 possibility that a surfer will get over their initial fears and takerepparttar 125181 leap of faith that is tapping in their credit card number at your checkout.

After you've addressed these issues it's time to get listed in those shopping directories. You can find lists of them on Yahoo and all ofrepparttar 125182 other major search engines.

But what forrepparttar 125183 future? Directories are going to get larger and larger with more e-commerce sites coming online everyday. This creates a problem in scale. The sheer volume of sites out there will mean surfers getting lost in a murky sea of cyberspace. As a retailer try to strike up relationships with directories, keep them informed about your web sites developments, products and special offers. The directory editor will be only too pleased to have a constant source of editorial at their fingertips, especially when they have thousands of shop-aholics waiting atrepparttar 125184 end of an email just itching to spend their hard earned cash!

Roger Donald Senior Web Editor

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