Mom's Joy

Written by Demetria Zinga

Continued from page 1

Oh, and although joy is something each individual has to receive on her own, I believe my Mother’s joy is contagious, because I feel quite joyful around her!

“The joy ofrepparttar Lord is your strength”repparttar 147939 psalmist David says. And it’s true. Mom is a strong and determined virtuous woman who would gorepparttar 147940 extra mile just to haverepparttar 147941 assurance that our Savior is pleased with her. Because Mom never gives up on God, she is always joyful. Andrepparttar 147942 joy ofrepparttar 147943 Lord will cause one to smile even if she feels unhappy. So, although I’ve done my share of crying, when I go to visit Mom and tell her all about my woes ofrepparttar 147944 hour, I can’t help but to leave with a bright smile on my face. She leaves with me a kindled fire within my soul and continually reveals to me with her quiet smile and patient words how I can attainrepparttar 147945 same joy. As a treasure of jewels found inrepparttar 147946 desert sand, isrepparttar 147947 joy ofrepparttar 147948 Lord I have found in my mother. My prayer is that I will reflect her image of extreme joy in Christ, now and inrepparttar 147949 years to come.

-- Demetria Zinga isrepparttar 147950 founder and owner of, a technology and consulting firm which specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is alsorepparttar 147951 founder of, an interactive ezine, blog, and podcast for Christian women.

Demetria Zinga is the founder and owner of, a technology and consulting firm which specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is also the founder of, an interactive ezine, blog, and podcast for Christian women.

The Anxiety Club

Written by Demetria Zinga

Continued from page 1

Ready to joinrepparttar Faith Club? Well, hop aboard. Don’t worry, there’s no penalty for signing up too late, andrepparttar 147938 only dues you’ll pay will berepparttar 147939 commitment you make to trust Christ for everything you will ever need in life. Andrepparttar 147940 good thing about it is, membership torepparttar 147941 Faith Club offers GREAT benefits, like peace of mind, joy, security, and strength to facerepparttar 147942 hard times. Additional perks and bonuses are also available.

Now don’t you think it’s time to leaverepparttar 147943 Anxiety Club behind?

-- Demetria Zinga isrepparttar 147944 founder and owner of, a technology and consulting firm which specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is alsorepparttar 147945 founder of, an interactive ezine, blog, and podcast for Christian women.

Demetria Zinga is the founder and owner of, a technology and consulting firm which specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is also the founder of, an interactive ezine, blog, and podcast for Christian women.

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