Mom's Car Stereo

Written by Sherri L Dodd

Continued from page 1
lyrics about cake and bubbles, pirates and fish are actuallyrepparttar forte of my children. When I was first introduced to this music, I mentally tuned it out. It rated right up there withrepparttar 135398 whining and bickering betweenrepparttar 135399 two little brothers that ride inrepparttar 135400 back of my car. I made sure songs like “Hip Hip Hippopotamus” were turned completely off when my cell phone rang, out ofrepparttar 135401 embarrassment that it could bestow upon me. I also postponed usingrepparttar 135402 strategy of playing these children cassettes until my kids had reached their threshold of unpleasantness, and then I would allow myself sufferance through another chorus of “Happiness Cake”. But…and this is really odd…somewhere alongrepparttar 135403 line I began to sing along! This option of music not only soothed my crying toddler and amused my kindergartner, but it also entertained their once rigid and narrow-minded mother. I began to listen forrepparttar 135404 slapstick background sound effects and even sang on key with fervent interest about a ‘barnacle on my toe’. It took me awhile, but now we all sing along torepparttar 135405 same music, over and over…and over again. (Even more funny is hearing my husband at his computer belting out a line or two of “Ach-oooo!” followed by obscenities forrepparttar 135406 powers that be to get it out of his head.) And after aboutrepparttar 135407 400th time of listening pleasure, I may even break down and buy yet another amusing children’s CD or cassette.

The truth is that I must facerepparttar 135408 fact that music is also an area of compromise when you have little ones. Baby proofingrepparttar 135409 house, eating well balanced meals, purchasing shirts and pants for little ones before my self and even choosingrepparttar 135410 right pets arerepparttar 135411 basics, but details such as a mom’s stereo also slowly progress to fill inrepparttar 135412 cracks of what used to be. And sure, someday I will be riding in my car by myself again and at that time maybe I can pump uprepparttar 135413 volume for old time’s sake. Maybe I’ll even chooserepparttar 135414 raucous sound of electric guitars, and if someone would like to object torepparttar 135415 ‘middle-aged’ crazy lady for doing that, well I’ll just temporarily adopt that rebellious teenage attitude as well and shout “whatever!” as I drive off intorepparttar 135416 warm sunny day.

Sherri Dodd is the creator and author of Mom Looks Great - The Fitness Program for Moms. She is also an ACE-certified Personal Trainer and Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant with over fifteen years of exercise experience. She has lectured to groups of 100+ people on her fitness plan and is a freelance writer on the topics of fitness and general nutrition as well as the humorous side of motherhood.

How To Help your Child Learn

Written by Barbara White

Continued from page 1
There are two main waysrepparttar brain makes sense ofrepparttar 135366 information it receives, and although we all use both ways there will be a leaning towards one way orrepparttar 135367 other. The first way can be termedrepparttar 135368 ‘analytical style’. The analytical style has a preference to focus onrepparttar 135369 details, and fit them together to make sense of information. The ‘global style’ however needs to seerepparttar 135370 bigger picture and fit inrepparttar 135371 information within it so it makes sense inrepparttar 135372 wider scope of things. A global style sees allrepparttar 135373 parts are related to each other to make uprepparttar 135374 big picture, but may have difficulty in separatingrepparttar 135375 parts withinrepparttar 135376 bigger picture. The analytical style has no problem focusing in onrepparttar 135377 parts, but may have difficulty seeingrepparttar 135378 bigger picture and howrepparttar 135379 details fit together inrepparttar 135380 wider sense. An example of this can be seen inrepparttar 135381 approach to doing a jigsaw. The analytical style preference will focus inrepparttar 135382 jigsaw pieces and how they fit together. A person operating strongly in this style may fit together several sections before looking atrepparttar 135383 picture to see where they go. The global style, onrepparttar 135384 other hand will probably dorepparttar 135385 edges pieces first, and frequently refer torepparttar 135386 picture to see where a piece would go. By observing your child in natural normal situations you will be able to pick up clues as torepparttar 135387 innate strategies he/she uses to understandrepparttar 135388 world, to concentrate, and remember. By giving your child opportunities to try a variety of methods of learning you can help them discover and encourage their unique style of learning. The earlier a child discovers what works best for them,repparttar 135389 more success and self confidence will be attached to their learning experiences in life. As a parent you are in an ideal position to help them inrepparttar 135390 process of discovery.

Barbara White

Barbara White, a former Principal and teacher, is now president of Beyond Better Development. As a speaker and author, Barbara brings her passion and expertise to work with people to help them grow towards excellence and their unique potential in their personal and professional life. For more information visit her website, and sign up for her free newsletter "Growing Beyond Better"

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