Moldy Homes are a Great Investment

Written by Dr George W Graham

Continued from page 1

Eight years versus 3 days. HHHmmmm !

Knowing how to tear down walls isn'trepparttar same thing as knowing how to eliminate mold.

So if someone hesitates at paying these unreasonable prices, they become a motivated seller.

Opportunities are made from these problems.

Want to find these houses? Go to your bank's home loan office. Advertise in your paper. They are everywhere.

Of course, you don't want to buy just every house. You just want sick houses, not dead houses.

* Go intorepparttar 103333 crawlspace and stick a screwdriver intorepparttar 103334 floor joists. Are they rotted?

* Look atrepparttar 103335 dry wall is it just green or is it falling apart?

* Isrepparttar 103336 roof sturdy? Can you see light coming through holes inrepparttar 103337 roof?

* Ifrepparttar 103338 building isn't falling apart, you have a "diamond inrepparttar 103339 rough."

* Contact a mold specialist. A Mycologist, not a contractor. They can walk you through eliminatingrepparttar 103340 mold, step-by-step.

* We know a family quoted $80,000 to fix a moldy home.

They solvedrepparttar 103341 problem for 85 cents. That house just needed some duct tape on their A/C ductwork to cover up cat scratches.

* Most repairs aren't that cheap. The average house is around $2000 to do an $80,000 repair.

Contractors also tend to spray chemicals that are more dangerous thanrepparttar 103342 mold. They will often say something like this - "Its EPA approved."

My old EPA law instructor said that EPA approval just means that it won't kill MOST people.

A Mycologist will use something that killsrepparttar 103343 mold but won't hurtrepparttar 103344 homeowner. Mycologists are aware ofrepparttar 103345 effect of these chemicals on people.

It is a matter of focus. Are you focused onrepparttar 103346 house [an inanimate object] or are you focused on people?

If you can buy a house worth $100,000 for $30,000 and fix it up for $2,000 there is $68,000 profit. Rentrepparttar 103347 house or sell it for a profit. They find another moldy home and dorepparttar 103348 same thing again and again.

For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat and prevent disease by showing them how to live in a clean environment.

Create a Business You Love

Written by Damien Senn

Continued from page 1

Take some action.

Once you have a few answers forrepparttar questions above, you’ve got to take some action straight away! Start off small. Get some business cards printed up ( will give you 250 colour business cards for free!) and you may also like to register a web site domain name (you can register web names from as little as £2.59 per year through Once you’ve gotrepparttar 103332 ball rolling you can start thinking aboutrepparttar 103333 bigger action steps that you will need to take.

Seek out other business people.

Take a look at your social network. If all your friends and family are employees, chance are any conversations about work will be aboutrepparttar 103334 9-5 grind. If this isrepparttar 103335 case, start adding a few small business people to your social network. Buy them lunch, ask them questions about how they started out in business. I am sure that you will find plenty of inspiration as well as some words of advice about how to run a business. You may also like to consider joining up with groups so you can network with like minded individuals (Toastmasters is excellent start and for online Networking check out

The most important consideration.

One ofrepparttar 103336 most important things to consider when setting up a business is to choose a business that you are passionate about. There are so many different ways you can make money so you might as well do something that excites you.

Copyright Damien Senn 2005. All rights reserved.

Damien Senn is a Life and Business Coach as well as a fully qualified Chartered Accountant. He helps professionals, artists and entrepreneurs create compelling futures.

He is the author of the 'Senn-Sational Success Journal' and has developed his own coaching model called the 'Senn-Sational Success System'.

For more information see or email

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