Mineral Cosmetics

Written by Laura Smith

Continued from page 1

Another benefit associated with using mineral cosmetics is that you actually help your skin to remain healthy. The natural ingredients in mineral cosmetics have a healing effect that can help to improve skin conditions such as skin damage and acne. Dermatologists generally forbid an individual suffering from these skin conditions to wear traditional cosmetics because they can makerepparttar conditions worse. Mineral cosmetics also providerepparttar 145024 skin with natural moisture. If you have very dry skin you still may want to use a moisturizer. The two downsides of mineral cosmetics are cost and availability. The process to obtain and addrepparttar 145025 necessary ingredients to mineral cosmetics is costly. The Internet does provide some release inrepparttar 145026 sense thatrepparttar 145027 companies that advertise there don’t have to worry about overhead so that they can charge better prices. Your best bet of locating these products is to find a health food store. These stores generally carry a variety of mineral cosmetics and have knowledgeable staff available to assist you if you should have any questions. If you don’t live near a health food store, you can perform a search online for companies that sell mineral cosmetics and request a catalog.

The Skin Care Site

Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health

Written by Randy Wysong DVM

Continued from page 1

Why do we not hear more about this? It is just too difficult to come to grips withrepparttar inevitable – and unbelievable – conclusion: When allrepparttar 144995 deaths (not countingrepparttar 144996 hundreds of thousands who are maimed or otherwise harmed but don't die) reported and not reported are tallied, medical intervention is arguablyrepparttar 144997 leading cause of death in our country.

Time to splash some cold water onrepparttar 144998 rely-on-modern-medicine inebriation. And remember folks,repparttar 144999 above are just cold statistics. Take any one of these numbers and humanize it torepparttar 145000 real pain, suffering, financial devastation, grief and family disruption, and each one is a heart rending story deserving of anyone's deep concern and sympathy. It is a tragedy of a magnitude unequalled by anything in human history. And it's repeated every year. It makes 9-11, allrepparttar 145001 deaths in all U.S. wars, deaths by auto, homicides and everything else pale in comparison. (Not to minimizerepparttar 145002 tragedy of each of those things.) The media should be shouting about medical risks from atop their broadcast towers. But there is mostly silence, just reports in obscure (torepparttar 145003 public) medical and scientific publications. Inrepparttar 145004 meantime, trusting people keep flocking torepparttar 145005 slaughter. From just 1995 to 2002, pharmaceutical sales jumped from $65 billion to over $200 billion. That's about one prescription for each man, woman and child inrepparttar 145006 country every month. This escalation in medical dependency is paralleled in surgeries, lab tests, emergency room admissions, elective procedures and outpatient visits.

You can do something about it. Begin today to take control of your own health destiny. The philosophical paradigm of conventional, allopathic, symptom based, reductionistic, crisis care, episodic, after-the-fact medicine is seriously flawed ... and very deadly. Good and well meaning doctors are hamstrung by wrong philosophical premises. They are crippled every bit as much as those who once believed in a flat Earth. Trying to achieve health with modern allopathic medicine is like trying to fix computers with a hammer, just because that'srepparttar 145007 only tool you were taught to use or believe in.

Don't wait forrepparttar 145008 system to change. Old ideas die too hard. The mega-medical industry is not going to be quick in either admitting error or revamping itself. Your health is at stake. Think prevention and natural holistic cure. Study, learn, grow, be skeptical, change lifestyle, be self-reliant – be a thinking person. That's your best road to health.

Dr. Wysong is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy, now in its eleventh printing, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 15 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at Wysong@Wysong.net. A free subscription to his monthly newsletter is available at Wysong.net

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