Mind Power and Self Motivation


Continued from page 1

- Hold your success attitude in your body. Stand up straight, raise your chin up, keep your shoulders back and feet firmly planted. Feelrepparttar power of personal success in every cell in your body.

- Create a compelling success image in your mind. Once you expect your success, see it. Imagine it vividly and in color—what are you doing, where are you, what are you wearing, how does it feel like in your body? Make your success as real as possible in your mind, so your expectancy is even stronger and, as a result, your actions even bigger.

- Use an affirmation or set an intentions. State to yourself over and over what you intend to create today. State your intentions verbally, out loud to yourself; state them silently, in your mind; and record them on a cassette tape so that you can listen to yourself stating what you expect to create in your life.

- Beyond Affirming, Feel It. Do not stop atrepparttar 122893 mental part of expecting success. Also feel it in your body. You have feltrepparttar 122894 good feeling of connecting, achieving, realizing what you want.

- Be bold. Do all those things today that you know you will do when you are more successful. That is how you will createrepparttar 122895 success you strive for in your business and life.

You will never be more successful than you expect you can be. Greet every day withrepparttar 122896 belief that good things are going to happen to you. Expect to be successful with your calls, appointments and projects. Your work life will be enriched; you will take more risks, make more requests, and seize more opportunities. That will result in a better life, and that is what success is all about. I say that people who expect success not only think they are more successful, they actually are more successful. I urge you to vigorously and fully prove this theory in your own life.


Dreams Are Waiting

Written by R.G. Srinivasan

Continued from page 1

Mayberepparttar life has truly begun to reflect our current aspirations.

It is not easy to restore your dreams once you let it fade away. It is like constructing a new house with your own hands. You have to putrepparttar 122892 foundations of your dreams and assemblerepparttar 122893 dreams brick by brick. It is going to be a struggle to get back to those youthful days when you felt everything was paved with gold and your dreams were touchingrepparttar 122894 Himalayan height. Nothing seemed impossible. You dreamed really big dreams. Everything seemed so simple then. Now even to dream of doubling your income inrepparttar 122895 medium term seems impossible. Am I right?

For those of you who are young and still with big dreams don't let go for anything. There can be no trade off as far as dreams go. Run miles away fromrepparttar 122896 dream stealers. They are surely trying to control your life to levels they can deal with. For allrepparttar 122897 negativities you face in life, expand your dreams still further.

For allrepparttar 122898 others who have lost their dreams, let us get back.

Let us get back to dreaming real big dreams. If you want to dream about a car, don’t dream of an economy car. Dream ofrepparttar 122899 most expensive car available. Even if you settle for less, let it be temporary. Continue dreaming for that dream car. So with a dream house, dream holiday, dream life for your family. Keep nourishingrepparttar 122900 dreams by adding more and more details. One day they will be a practical reality. If you can dream it, you can become it. If you can dream more, you can achieve more.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. So will your dreams take time to be rebuilt. But once you buildrepparttar 122901 dream,repparttar 122902 dream will build you.

About The Author R.G. Srinivasan is founder of Born to Win Forum. He is a certified trainer and consultant in training design & methodologies. He is also the author of e-books, publishes 2 ezines on success and motivation and Home Business. His articles are widely published across the world. He is featured as an Expert Author in leading content syndication portals. Check out his home business ezine at http://home-businessleaders.tripod.com

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